» Wed Dec 07, 2011 6:51 am
I love Jermey Soule's music and could not imagine any replacement. I have, however, added some instrumental tracks to my music folders that mesh fairly well with Soule's tracks. Some of the artists whose tracks I use:
Spiral Dance
The Wyrd Sisters
Gabrielle Roth and the Mirrors
Medi?val B?bes
Gaia Consort
Wendy Rule
Elaine Silver
LotR soundtracks
Loreena McKennitt
Hecate's Wheel
In practice, I tend to alternate between listening to in-game music and turning in-game music off. Even with extra tracks the ingame music can get a little repetitious. At that point I'll turn it off for awhile and listen to ambient sounds. After awhile I begin to miss Jeremy Soule's music and turn it back on. And the cycle continues...
But I can't imagine ever listening to rock music while playing Oblivion. Rock music is the last thing I want to hear while exploring a quasi-medieval landscape.