First off I turned on sandstorms after enabling the Project Reality mod, I love the sky textures and coloration and varying weather types but wanted to see if the sand storm fit my needs. However it does give the lod lands some ugly textures. The problem is I saved the game with the forced sand storm on and now my vista looks like Not sure if some texture mods or vanilla settings or even weather mdos are not playing nicely together but I cant bear to look at that anymore.
Second. I've encountered about four factions on my way to Nipton. The NCR, Caesars Legion, Great Khans and the Trader factions. Ive been friendly to all of them and even have some positive NCR rep from doing their missions. However upon installing either Satchels crafting mod or Random Encounters, it seems all the factions hate me randomly. On my last load up with Random Encounters installed the Caesars Legion started to attack some traders, when I went in to help ( I was also wearing some items that may have been NCR faction tagged(from Satchels)) I was attacked by the Legion we killed them and the Traders turned on me yes they were red blips before I even entered the fray. Then the NCR comes storming up the hill and starts to attack me. Also all my positive rep was gone. Now my best guess as to the culprit is either a bad faction tag on a Satchels item, an improper Bashed Patch merge and or an issue stemming from Random Encounters. I uninstalled Random Encounters and this time the Traders started off as friendly, the Legion were also friendly ( the armor from Satchels wasnt even equipped and I was wearing an NCr helmet) and the traders were still friendly. Then out of no where the NCR came up and murdered me. I really dont know whats going on there.
Lastly Im crashing on exit the same sort of issue that is fixed by Fast Exit. Oh and one more, distant land and objects occasionally flicker. I'm told this is a vanilla issue but its been doing it in Fallout 3 as well. Maybe there is a patch or in game setting I can tweak?
Well thats all here my load order and thanks in advance for any assistance provided.
Active Mod Files:
00 FalloutNV.esm [CRC: 26D5B980]01 Companion Core.esm [CRC: F3B2CBDD]02 OutfitsReColorNVMaster.esm [CRC: E5A342A6]03 MoMod.esm [Version 3] [CRC: F835AD8D]04 More Perks.esm [CRC: 28CE3B92]05 NVInteriors_Core.esm [CRC: 697E367E]06 NVInteriors_WastelandEditon.esm [CRC: 5F1A8B5E]07 NVR-Strip.esm [CRC: 35B57DF8]08 Project Nevada - Core.esm [CRC: EDE609EF]09 Project Nevada - Equipment.esm [CRC: 7F067E96]0A RobCo Certified.esm [CRC: DD0207E5]0B SCAV.esm [CRC: 6EC31C89]0C Weapon Mod Expansion.esm [CRC: E5357A10]0D The New Bison Steve Hotel.esp [CRC: CECE1646]0E NVR-NPCs.esp [CRC: DEAE3309]0F NVR-Version_10.esp [CRC: 8AFECB3C]10 Project Nevada - Cyberware.esp [CRC: 3D8693B2]11 RNVExtended[20]v3b1.esp [CRC: 139DE959]12 SecretStash80.esp [CRC: 8D77C43E]13 More Perks Update.esp [CRC: 3A68986B]14 PortableCampsite.esp [CRC: 1E204AEB]15 Tailor Maid - NV.esp [Version 6] [CRC: FE44C600]16 w44Satchels - Full.esp [CRC: 8DE53B0F]17 EnclaveCommander.esp [CRC: E805EA07]18 RobCo Certified Friendly Hit Fixer.esp [CRC: 4D7D7E42]19 Project Nevada - Rebalance.esp [CRC: B2189109]1A UsableCigarettes neunen Ver for New Vegas.esp [CRC: 04457851]++ Weapon Mod Expansion.esp [CRC: BC213C6D]1B EVE FNV.esp [CRC: 3D18A7B3]1C Fellout.esp [CRC: C3FC96AD]1D F3NVProjectRealityMkIv4.2.esp [CRC: 2E5092C9]1E Interior Lighting Overhaul-Realistic Interiors-Full.esp [Version 4.1.5] [CRC: 340FF350]1F ELECTRO-CITY - Imaginator.esp [CRC: 7BF2DE7D]20 Bashed Patch, 0.esp [CRC: 0F774F31]21 MannequinNV.esp [CRC: BC402DD6]22 OutfitsReColorNV.esp [CRC: 71576BF2]23 PlayerHome.esp [CRC: 268532C4]24 FNV_Merge-Patch_05.esp [CRC: 382033F2]