Thanks for the replies so far.
It's about my mod, see my sig. The problem with my mod is that it is played AFTER Oblivion's MQ for compatibility reasons. Interrupting the MQ half-way would cause many problems I wish to avoid. However this presents a problem. The player is forced to save the Empire first and run all sorts of errands for the Blades. I need to give the player a feasible believable reason to join the Mythic Dawn after having saved the Empire.
As both my character and I despise any empire we would never work for such a thing. But if we did against our will, maybe we could be persuaded to switch side..
Mhm this could possibly give me something to work with. Minor alterations to the MQ so that even evil players have a good reason to finish it. Something like a MD member contacting you telling you of some prophecy that must be fullfilled in order for the MD to REALLY prosper even if it means fighting against it now. This specific member may be operating in complete secrecy or does not believe Mankar Cameron has what it takes or whatever. That way the eventual "Champion of Cyrodiil" would merely be a pretender and working for the MD all along. It may be against the will of an evil player to save the Empire first and go trough all the trouble, but if the rewards after that are great.... Mhm.... Interesting

What mod is this? Is it voiced?
On to your question:
I am a knight and respect order. Collaborators and rebels against this order make me sick. For example, those Righteous and that Saint in Windfall. I wish I could have burned down their homes and crucified them in their own streets. If the Mythic dawn can prove to me that I can be a part of an order that is greater than mine, and that I will have plenty of opportunity to stomp rebels and anti-police hooligans, and that I can get away with it because I have moral superiority, then yes I will join the Mythic Dawn.
You think a noble person is righteous because they are better everyone else? No, think of what that same person would do if they wouldn't be caught or wouldn't be punished. Prove to me that Mehrunes Dagon is a better god than Akatosh, and that the consequences for my actions will be justified because Mehrunes' order is the superior order, and that I will end up smelling like a rose in the end.
Unvoiced on release since I do not have the proper equipment available to record high quality voices.
What do you mean with "an order greater than mine" exactly? I tihnk I get the concept.
On the topic of mods...
Servant of the Dawn allows you to join the Mythic Dawn after the Main Quest and flesh out a more nefarious character if you so choose.
On the opposite side of the equation, Reclaiming Sancre Tor allows you to continue your good aligned characters after the MQ's conclusion.
To answer your question, Velmenian, notoriously non-Bosmer, would probably give that messenger a lightning bolt to the face. Having seen first hand what kind of rituals surround the Mythic Dawn, he gives no quarter to them anymore.
I'm well aware of those modifications, I've played SOTD extensivly multiple times. But IMHO the way you join the Mythic Dawn is not really something you'd easily buy.
It would take convincing me that they're actually the good guys. Or possibly a very bad thing that'll happen if I refuse - some kind of hostage situation, perhaps.
A bad thing that will happen? Mhm, yes this is possible of course, but I'm not sure what that bad thing would be then. Besides, loyalty which is based only on fear is something I think will not work in the long run.
How about this:
I would sign up to bring the Mythic Dawn down from within. I would slowly become convinced that they had been right all along, and I had been working for the forces of evil (the Empire). Then I would become the most ardent cultist they had ever seen, since it was my fault that evil triumphed in the first place.
I guess the harder part is why the MD ever approaches me as a recruit, since bards are singing of my righteousness, etc.
That would be possible to a certain extent. Like for example during the main quest you have to read some MD literature which would give you some initial doubts, the words of Mankar Camaron fill you with even more doubts. After ending the Oblivion Crisis you have time to think about what you have done, you never had the chance to do that. Maybe some quest pop-ups during the MQ? i.e. "I have read this Mythic Dawn book bla bla, maybe the Mythic Dawn is right, but this is not the time bla bla etc.".