» Wed Dec 07, 2011 4:20 am
Combat eh?
All I know is that if your full combat, you might be delving into Blunt + Blade. I wouldn't reccomend this, because then you'd have to level both. Stick to blade or blunt, depending on preference and perhaps get block. That way you block, then swing with your weapon 2 times whilst your enemy recoils.
For casters and archers: Get in close, do a charge power attack (Hold left mouse button while running if on PC), and keep smacking them till their dead.
At higher levels, you'll want to enchant your armour and weapons (You'll probably be using Heavy Armour if your pure combat).
Strength is your ally, and so is Endurance. Strength will raise your meele damage, whilst Endurance will raise your health. I believe Willpower also helps your regeneration of Fatigue, but someone will need to confirm it.
Also have fun! If you don't want to roleplay, then that is a shame, but still it is a great game just to do quests and dungeon dive and you will enjoy it. If you do want to roleplay, then take your time. You paid for this game, get the most out of it. Try not to fast travel, explore the beautiful scenery. It really is worth it!