I've posted this thread over at nexus and the underground forums, but haven't had much luck there.
A picture would better explain it, or rather a series of:
Anybody have any ideas what's going on? Has anyone else experienced this?
Measures I've tried to take:
Bumped up AF to 8, both in game and forced from the nVidia control panel and overriden by nVidia inspector., and separately just to check.
Checked with Default/Detailed Normals/NMC Performance texture packs. No change.
Textures set to high, texture memory in ini set to 223 MB.
Weirdly, sometimes disappears if it starts raining.
Load Order
FalloutNV.esmDeadMoney.esmHonestHearts.esmOldWorldBlues.esmLonesomeRoad.esmClassicPack.esmGunRunnersArsenal.esmAmbient Temperature.esmELECTRO-CITY - CompletedWorkorders.esmELECTRO-CITY - Highways and Byways.esmTales from the Burning Sands.esmAfterschool Special.esmProject Nevada - Core.esmProject Nevada - Equipment.esmAWorldOfPain(Preview).esmCaliber.esmNSkies URWLified.esmPrimary Needs HUD.esmaHUD.esmNew Vegas Redesigned.esmNVInteriors_Core.esmNVInteriors_WastelandEditon.esmMoMod.esmAngelPark.esmOFT_Merge_All.espImproved Sound FX - Weapon Sharing Fix.espImproved Sound FX - HH Sharing Fix.espImproved Sound FX - OWB Sharing Fix.espImproved Sound FX - LR Sharing Fix.espImproved Sound FX - GRA.espDarNifiedUINV.espThe Mod Configuration Menu.espThe Weapon Mod Menu.espAWOPMonsterPatch.espMonster Mod Wasteland Edition.espCASM.espCentered 3rd Person Camera.espFairyRadar.espHUD Extended - Ambient Temperature.espReadius_NV.espSeachlight Airpot NCR.espNewVegasixtendedMapMarkers.espProject Nevada - Cyberware.espProject Nevada - Rebalance.espProject Nevada - Dead Money.espProject Nevada - Honest Hearts.espProject Nevada - Old World Blues (No Cyberware).espNewVegasBounties.espNewVegasBountiesII.espLFox Bottle That Water.espLFox Night Vision Implant Low Brightness.espSnowGlobePerks.espBetter Tag Skills.espFlashlightNVSE.espTailor Maid - NV.espSunnyCompanion.espFeng Shui NV.espShishkebab Schematic.espEVE FNV.espProject Nevada - EVE.espVurt's WFO.espELECTRO-CITY - Imaginator.espFellout.espLUMENARIUM - Working Sunglasses ONLY.espLUMENARIUM - Bright Clear Days.espxatmosSkillPerks.espBobbleheads - Hidden_v1.2.espBobbleheads - Cases.espJump Fall Fixer.espNSkies URWLifiedHH.espNSkies URWLifiedOWB.espSpecialEveryTwoLevels.espSunglasses Shipment.espThe New Bison Steve Hotel.espAhzteks Weapon Overhaul.espMagazines To Skill Books.espSignatureArmor.espSignatureWeapons.espDesertReconGear.espMojave Nights.espkeepcompanionperks.espUrgeWasterScarf.espPlaceable Lights NV v1.0.espDYNAVISION 2 - Dynamic Lens Effect.espDynamic Quantity Prompt.espFPSWeaponWheel.espshogo_laser_katana.espAWOPNoQuestReview.espLRDuster.espBashed Patch, 0.esp
NVConfigator Settings
System Specs
Processor: Intel C2Q Q9400 @2.66GHz
Installation Drive: 5400 RPM 1TB HD, currently at 70% capacity
Memory: 8GB Corsair DDR2
Graphics: nVidia GTS250
Fallout Version: 1.4
Stability: Very good, occasional crashes in known problem areas.
Texture Pack Info
Currently installed:
NMC Performance (small)
Clutter Packs
Some creature overhauls
Pack History:
Started off vanilla.
Installed "Detailed Normals", no issues.
Installed NMC pack, immediately noticed issue.
Uninstalled NMC pack, issue remained.
Reinstalled Detailed Normals, issue remained.
Reinstalled NMC to see if it would get fixed. No change
Definitely noticed it after NMC, but also may have been mucking about with configator at the time, so not sure what's up.
Hopefully someone has a clue what's up

Oh, and this has only appeared in my last couple of playthroughs, so I'm fairly sure that it's either a mod or ini problem. I didn't have this problem originally, so I'm fairly certain my hardware, while no spring chicken, is more than up to the mark.
I'm going to summarise where the problem is visible, because hopefully that will contribute to pathfinding by elimination as to where the problem lies.
OK, I see the problem on the Yangtze Memorial and Gibson scrap yard office: The LOD mesh flashes on and off very, very quickly so that from a close distance, these two landmarks appear to be visibly pulsing. Fast travelling to them does NOT fix the issue. However, entering and leaving a nearby cell CAN help and then the meshes behave normally until the game is restarted.
The problem also appears on roads. Some stretches, such as part of the road leading from Novac to the Repconn test site, show distinct LOD meshes superimposed over the top of them. Again, entering and leaving a nearby cell fixes the issue until the game is restarted.
Some buildings and electricity pylons are also affected by this In these cases, the normal mesh is clearly visible underneath the LOD mesh, especially since the pylons are hollow, but the LOD textures remain superimposed.
I have figured out the tree problem though, with the help of an assist - the tree issue was caused by Vurt's Fertile Wasteland overhaul problem and I've since solved this with the compatibility patches. However, The rest, such as buildings, roads, pylons etc. still have poor LOD meshes. Not every one, mind, but enough that it's really annoying.