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Cause if not, is there any modder interested int creating one?
I was thinking of certain factions like Gun Runners, Crimson Caravan, Van Graffs and certain specific people like Dead Sea, Aurelius Of Phoenix, Sunny Smiles.
I just think that the ending sliders didn't fully cover a lot of events and people and that it would be great to have a mod that creates a lot of new ending sliders to create more variation.
Not every NPC would get their own ending slider but some of the more prominent ones would.
These ending sliders would of course need to range from good to grey to bad endings.
Like, Dead Sea for example:
Dead Sea becomes an icon of loyalty.
Dead Sea is forgotten
Dead Sea remains unheard of.
Dead Sea becomes an icon of innovation.
Dead Sea reaches the rank of a Centurion and is valued for his unique tactical decisions.
Dead Sea becomes an icon of impatiency.
Dead Sea becomes an icon of loyalty.
Requirement: NCR/House/Yes Man wins and Dead Sea is not killed
Description: As Legion is pushed out of the Mojave Nelson is being overrun by NCR/Securitrons (Depending on whether or not you've made NCR enemies in Yes Man or House endings) and Dead Sea sticks to his loyalty to hold Nelson for Caesar. All legionnaires including Dead Sea were killed, news of their last stand against NCR reached Legion in the following weeks and he was made a symbol of courage for the rest of the legionnaires to revere.
Description: As Legion is pushed out of the Mojave Nelson is being overrun by NCR/Securitrons (Depending on whether or not you've made NCR enemies in Yes Man or House endings) and Dead Sea sticks to his loyalty to hold Nelson for Caesar. All legionnaires including Dead Sea were killed, news of their last stand against NCR reached Legion in the following weeks and he was made a symbol of courage for the rest of the legionnaires to revere.
Dead Sea is forgotten
Requirement: Kill Dead Sea and have NCR/House/YesMan win.
Description: Despite having proved his courage, disciplin, intellect and loyalty to Caesar he is long forgotten after the Legion is pushed out of the Mojave.
Description: Despite having proved his courage, disciplin, intellect and loyalty to Caesar he is long forgotten after the Legion is pushed out of the Mojave.
Dead Sea remains unheard of.
Requirement: Legion wins, Caesar is alive, Forlorn Hope was not taken by The Courier.
Description: Dead Sea did not manage to impress Caesar, due to his inability to improvise he was left as a Decanus and sent out to the frontlines of the continued NCR war, once he died he had not done much to be remembered by, and his name was lost in history.
Description: Dead Sea did not manage to impress Caesar, due to his inability to improvise he was left as a Decanus and sent out to the frontlines of the continued NCR war, once he died he had not done much to be remembered by, and his name was lost in history.
Dead Sea becomes an icon of innovation.
Requirement: Legion wins, Caesar is alive, Forlorn Hope was taken by The Courier
Description: Thanks to Dead Sea's ability to improvise and use a mercenary to take out Forlorn Hope while still staying loyal to his orders he was praised by Caesar. Other decanus and centurions started using mercs to help out with certain actions that they themselves couldn't do. Mercenaries started becoming more prominent in Legion's warfare and they often had allies on their side. Dead Sea is remembered as an icon of innovation for legionnaires.
Description: Thanks to Dead Sea's ability to improvise and use a mercenary to take out Forlorn Hope while still staying loyal to his orders he was praised by Caesar. Other decanus and centurions started using mercs to help out with certain actions that they themselves couldn't do. Mercenaries started becoming more prominent in Legion's warfare and they often had allies on their side. Dead Sea is remembered as an icon of innovation for legionnaires.
Dead Sea reaches the rank of a Centurion and is valued for his unique tactical decisions.
Requirement: Legion wins, Lanius is crowned Caesar, Forlorn Hope was not taken by The Courier.
Description: Lanius, pleased with Dead Sea holding Forlorn Hope according to orders allowed him similar campaigns further out west. Dead Sea became a Centurion in the years to come and continues to crumble the morale of any enemy he faces. Unique to the Legion he goes down in history.
Description: Lanius, pleased with Dead Sea holding Forlorn Hope according to orders allowed him similar campaigns further out west. Dead Sea became a Centurion in the years to come and continues to crumble the morale of any enemy he faces. Unique to the Legion he goes down in history.
Dead Sea becomes an icon of impatiency.
Requirement: Legion wins, Lanius is crowned Caesar, Forlorn Hope was taken by The Courier
Description: Lanius was not pleased that Dead Sea contracted a mercenary to take Forlorn Hope when his orders were clear to demoralize the NCR. Dead Sea was flogged and demoted to a recruit legionnaire and sent out in battle, to have lost his title and been a disgrace to the new Ceasar Dead Sea tried to do quick tactical decisions in his campaign towards NCR, for his hectic choices he and his entire squad was killed. Dead Sea remains remembered as an icon for the Legion, an icon of flaws. Legionnaires are taught not to act like him and to be patient in their decision.
Description: Lanius was not pleased that Dead Sea contracted a mercenary to take Forlorn Hope when his orders were clear to demoralize the NCR. Dead Sea was flogged and demoted to a recruit legionnaire and sent out in battle, to have lost his title and been a disgrace to the new Ceasar Dead Sea tried to do quick tactical decisions in his campaign towards NCR, for his hectic choices he and his entire squad was killed. Dead Sea remains remembered as an icon for the Legion, an icon of flaws. Legionnaires are taught not to act like him and to be patient in their decision.
This would of course require a lot of work.
Anyone interested in making this kind of mod?
I would love to do it myself but I quite frankly have no idea how to do this kind of stuff.