If you have the Stronghold DLC, you can Sparr with a person in there without cheating.
Personally, I use power attacks for special moments.
Forwards power attack (without moving): 1v1, I've just blocked an enemies blow and they are recoiling. 1 Power attack when I have high fatigue is better the two swings of my sword.
Forward power attacking whilst moving (charge): Running into battle occasionally, depends if they ahve a shield themselves. If they do they intend to block me before I reach them, making me recoil. AND: Using it to catch up with Archers and Mages, use it when close behind them.
Side attacks (Left + Right): If you're in a corner, using these may make your opposition recoil whilst your moving away from the wall. If it's a group of enemies you can use it to go through a gap if they surround you. Also good for just spinning around on 1v1

, has a chance to disarm i believe?
Backwards attack: Use when against a wall, this way you have a much lower chance of missing. Use this too if you want to gain distance, and its a perfect combo if you block, enemy recoils after hitting you, you quickly move forwards and then backwards power attack. Doing this effectively will cause them not only to take damage, but to swing at you and 95% of the time miss you as you've gone backwards. This allows you to frenzy slash them, as I like to call it. Others like to call it 'going ape [censored] on them'.
Thats what I personally do. Take what you will