The fact that had no advantage except what he was born throws the contrast with the armed and leather armor wearing man, into sharp relief. He's REALLY badass.
If no weapons existed for him to ignore, and no weapons for the man to try to kill him wouldn't be as impressive.
Don't get rid of overpowered items and spells and abilities. Choose not to use them. The contrast that creates, with those who DO use them, makes you all the badder. Let those who want to use overpowered weapons and spells and abilities. Those players are weak. Kick the game's ass with no weapons and nearly naked, as other players breeze through everything with overpowered weapons.
The fact that overpowered weapons exist, and other players use them...and that you don't use them...that makes you tougher. In everyone's mind. That makes you a good player. To ignore what they would use against you, and destroy them.
Let us weaker, lamer, players use the over-powered weapons, abilities and spells. Sneer at us. "Pft...enchanter..hah! Blacksmith, HAH!"
You're right, just because you've figured out the EASIEST way to do something, doesn't make you tough...It shows that you are lazy. But you are wrong...taking away all the things that you think make it easier for everyone, DOES NOT make you look any better to the rest.
Make the contrast sharper, to prove you are a better player, by keeping overpowered things in the game, and not using them.
I have a friend that is a really good player. In Oblivion, he saw me using Illusion and Conjuration, Alteration....and laughed. "HAH!...Wuss". And then I watched him beat the game with an unarmed cloth wearer, who had only mysticism for soul trap and detect life. That's a good player.
He figured out what the HARDEST way to do something was...and then did it. Let us keep the "overpowered" things. It doesn't diminsh your achevements...and makes them more impressive, that you didn't use them.
Taking the "easy" way out, doesn't make you look any tougher. If there are no lamos like me, running around doing things the easy way, you are only half as tough.
Crying, because, having figured out the easy way to do something, is TOO easy...making Bethesda take those things out...that makes you look WEAKER. Because you are STILL doing it the easiest way, it just wasn't as easy as before. The contrast between bright and capable and lazy and slow witted, isn't NEARLY so great.
Don't try to make the easiest way, a LITTLE BIT harder. Do it the hardest way!