PC UI Question

Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 5:43 am


I just recently watched the IGN videos from their review of SKYRIM. One thing that caught my eye was the fact that there appears to be no Hotbar where you can place your spells/abilities for easy access. I was really really excited about this game until I realized, again from watching the videos, how painful it is to use the current UI, which seems to be designed for console.

All of the fight scenes seem to be very slow and boring because the guy that was playing had to keep pause the game to find an ability to use in this cumbersome UI...I I realized you can favorite certain abilities but I much rather to have a combat system that is real time and use abilities quickly on the go.

So my question is, is it true that there will be no hotbar in this game on release? If so, I rather wait to purchase it when community provides a much more user friendly UI for the PC.

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Alex [AK]
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 7:31 am

There should be a way to hotkey stuff, if I'm not mistaken. The demo videos were all of the 360 version, and he did mention that you could map stuff to the D-pad on the 360. I would assume he's just showing off some sort of quick-switch menu because switching to something you didn't have hotkeyed was even more clunky in past games.
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Emily Martell
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 8:32 am

There should be a way to hotkey stuff, if I'm not mistaken. The demo videos were all of the 360 version, and he did mention that you could map stuff to the D-pad on the 360. I would assume he's just showing off some sort of quick-switch menu because switching to something you didn't have hotkeyed was even more clunky in past games.

The problem is that the PC version is nothing but the 360 version as well.
Everything is setup to be used with MICROSOFT game pad.

The whole user interface is completely unintuitive and cumbersome and there is no mouse support whatsoever except looking around in the world, menu system is navigable via WASD.

Honestly what were they thinking?
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Ria dell
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 11:07 am

The problem is that the PC version is nothing but the 360 version as well.
Everything is setup to be used with MICROSOFT game pad.

The whole user interface is completely unintuitive and cumbersome and there is no mouse support whatsoever except looking around in the world, menu system is navigable via WASD.

Honestly what were they thinking?

Welcome to modern gaming.

"Nah, too lazy to make the game for PC. Let's make it for [insert crappy old tech console here] and we'll port it later."

Wait for mods. Sad we have to wait for modders to fix it.
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Miss Hayley
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 4:34 pm

The game menu UI seriously doesn't support using a mouse? Wow....

To think my worry was that the scroll wheel wouldn't work! I didn't think they wouldn't even bother with mouse support!
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Paul Rice
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 11:25 am

Welcome to modern gaming.

"Nah, too lazy to make the game for PC. Let's make it for [insert crappy old tech console here] and we'll port it later."

Wait for mods. Sad we have to wait for modders to fix it.

It has nothing to do with being lazy, and everything to do with budget. 360 and ps3 are the big sellers, the big money makers, so they get the most dev time.

im not saying its right or wrong, just telling you how it is.
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kat no x
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 5:39 pm

It has nothing to do with being lazy, and everything to do with budget. 360 and ps3 are the big sellers, the big money makers, so they get the most dev time.

im not saying its right or wrong, just telling you how it is.

That IS true, but it is also due to their laziness. If modders can (and must) repeatedly fix the crap they can't be bothered doing, then surely a popular developing studio have the resources to do it. They may as well just stop releasing PC versions if they don't feel like putting effort into it, because it will make customers think twice about purchasing future products.
I was a huge fan of Morrowind (logged hundreds of hours) but then again I like playing my RPGs on PC. I only play sport games on console, and if Bethesda are only set on developing for consoles, that's fine, but I won't purchase TES VI (which will probably be a MW3 style arcade shooter by then).
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Robert Devlin
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 5:48 pm

That IS true, but it is also due to their laziness. If modders can (and must) repeatedly fix the crap they can't be bothered doing, then surely a popular developing studio have the resources to do it. They may as well just stop releasing PC versions if they don't feel like putting effort into it, because it will make customers think twice about purchasing future products.
I was a huge fan of Morrowind (logged hundreds of hours) but then again I like playing my RPGs on PC. I only play sport games on console, and if Bethesda are only set on developing for consoles, that's fine, but I won't purchase TES VI (which will probably be a MW3 style arcade shooter by then).

They are quite capable, but a game cant sit in development 'until its done' all the time - or they wouldnt make money off it. Bethesda would feel like right twits if they spend more making a game then they made selling it, right?

There is a MUCH higher probability that they will simply stop making it for PC, its the least represented of the 3 platforms and makes them the least amount of money.

Bethesda, like most developers and producers, make games for the market. right now, the market is consoles. its not as though they are doing it out of spite for the PC community, but game development is a business, they have board members and investors. the objective is to make money.
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