The load-screen models are incredibly bad-ass

Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 11:57 am

Beware! This post contains my very subjective opinions on the representation of the different races of tamriel, in the previous and current release.

I can't recall a single game other than Mount & Blade that has such awesome loading screens.

Looking at weapons and objects can get old after a while, but the occasional dual-wielding, bloodsplattered orc or thalmor mage just makes me want to start over as a new race every time I see them.

If their purpose is to prolong the game-experience by causing people to start over again, they serve their purpose! :P (well almost)

That said, I am yet to find a whole lot of people in-game who can actually live up to that awesome presentation.

Let's go over my notes about the races through out the games:

From morrowind through Skyrimg, the Altmer race have almost entirely consisted of stereotypical snob-like, arrogant commoners. People who think they are better than everyone else, but in truth they ARE everyone else. Just another shopkeeper or non-important wizard or some such.
I am yet to find an altmer in the games that actually gave off a cool impression, of being a naturally born arcane master.
Add to that, that they are usually all voice acted by the same person, which includes the player if you chose to be that race.
It's just not impressive, and for that reason, I think, I have always resented altmer. They just don't seem like elves! They just come off as snobby misunderstood and highly eccentric commoners who probably knows a spell.

Of course, up until skyrim, they at least had a tendency to look beautiful, but alas, the cold hard north must not be good for their golden tan.
That picture of the thalmor altmer holding a summoned blade in one hand and preparing a spell with the other gives off that impression I've been looking for. A pretty face, standing straight and tall, looking ready and prepared without fear. Superiority. If more altmer in the game gave off this impression, I might consider playing them in the future.

Come to think of it, I can remember a single altmer I liked. That hunter from choral (oblivion). Can't recall his name though. He didn't have much to do with altmer culture though.


I actually really liked the argonians in oblivion. well, apart from all of them striking me as clueless fortune seekers or people who are too full of them selves to sense their own demise. Argonians are just one of the weird races in tamriel that actually makes sense. They strike me as underwater humans. Of course they would have scales. Having to use their hands to swim with, of course they would have maws, and of course they would have tails.

In morrowind, they just looked to ridiculous for me to take them seriously. Hunched over freaks who were unable to wear a full set of armor... Yes, I know, it's cold, but thats how I thought the bestial races in morrowind came off. Always in bad positions and never able to fend for themselves.

In skyrim, the argonians still seem cool enough but still suffer under the same stereo types from oblivion. And for christs sake, would it hurt to have more than one voice actor?

Why are argonians never swimming, I keep wondering. There was just this ONE guy from oblivion who took to swimming every day, and apart from him, I've never seen an argonian swim, unless I pushed him into the water.

While Argonians generally give me a good and throught through impression, they just don't strike me as very cool, so I've never wanted to play one.
This is more of a personal preference than because of the way they appear.


These short guys have always stuck me as annoying. Perhaps because they were intended to through out the first two games.
When I think dunmer, I think of a tribal elf dressed in forsworn-like armor with a bow at the ready and a wolf or hawk watching his back as he sneaks through the underbush, closing in on his unsuspecting prey. He may be short, but you won't ever get to tease him with that, because you will never see him coming.

While it seems bethesda wanted to send this signal with the bosmer, all bosmer I've ever encountered struck me as confused and naive people who were just trying to get by. None of them had anything to do with animals, and even fewer had anything to do with woods. Then came the bosmer from riverwood. Finally a guy who seems like a real bosmer.. Oh wait? No.. Just another naive and confused person who can't deal with his own problems.

In the next release, I'd like to see some bosmer who are a bit more like the dahlish elves from dragon age. That might convince me to play a bosmer.

While seeming like completely ordinary humans, the bretons have magical affinities. Cool, I thought.
The bretons actually seem thought through. When compared to altmer in magical affinity, they come in second, and most of the breton wizards in the game are semi-accomplished. However, in oblivion, bretons just died for me. All of them had the exact same voice and they all looked old and friendly per default. It was just weird. Further more, I understand bretons are somewhat based on french culture, but I simply can't seem to figure out how they are supposed to fit into the bigger picture.

For me to want to play a breton, I think I would need the game I played them in, to take place in a highrock.


I always kinda liked dunmer. A mix between tribal people and people living on the edge of imperial law due to their rebellious nature.
Thats how I see them, anyhow. Historically, I can't help but to compare them to jews. Dunmer always looked considerably cool in the games, and didn't seem to lean too much one one class-choice to become subject to stereotypes. All in all, a successful, well functioning and thought through race. I often play dunmer.


Imperials are easy to place down. The most civilized of the humans. Well educated, well spoken, generally rising to high positions when abroad. They depict romans quite well, an they've always managed to look decent through out the games. The imperials strike me as the most standard of the human races in he game, coming closet to the D&D equivalent of "human" as a race. This is because, in all the games so far, all the countries have been imperial provinces, and as such, playing an imperial just seems like a safe bet.
I play imperials often.


My least favourite race of them all. Mostly because they make no sense at all. I see no reason why a race would evolve into cat people.
Had I designed them, they would have been feral and primitive hunters in their secluded and dangerous jungles, leaping from tree to tree and pouncing on their prey from above, definitely tribal, and they definately would not be wearing clothes or armor (you can't really do that if you have fur all over your body). Maybe loinclothes for decency... In TES, the khajiits are like gypsies. All of them sound like the same guy, and they speak in an annoying way. They are all fortune seekers and many of them are extremely arrogant, and misguided. Most of them have misplaced trust in their own abilities. I mean, seriously, what IS to like about them? I can only imagine this race being popular with so called "furries", or people especially taken with cats or cat-people. For some reason, these fur-covered people wear clothes and armor all the same. They walk on two legs in exactly the same manner as humans, which obviously removes any advantage a cat has, in speed and agility, as these khajiits are more subject to human anatomy than a cats. Truly, they are just fur covered humans with good eye-sight, claws, tails and cat faces. Further more, the claw business. They have hands, not paws, so that means they can't have retractable claws like a cats. That in turn means they can't make fists or perform many simple tasks with their hands, making them inferior craftsmen. This race is a failure if you ask me, and they bother me insanely.
I would never play a khajiit and I wish they would be removed from the tes universe.

I'm a scandinavian myself, so you'd think the nords would give a good impression and make a first choice. They never have.
Assuming the dumb-primitive barbarian stereotype way too often in previous releases, they just never held interest for me. Skyrim managed to capture them in a much more appealing way, and they actually now remind me of old viking sagas.
I haven't even tried the other races yet, in skyrim, because I like the nords so much now, but in the previous games, things were different.

In morrowind, the nords, lorewise, struck me as relentless barbarians with an unmatched fighting prowess. Statwise, they just came in second to other races. In oblivon, all nords looked like beard-less pale hulking idiots who spoke like unintelligent drunks. I seriously hated nords in that game, and asked myself several times why bruma was even important. It just seemed like that place they sent everyone they didn't want in the other cities.

Fortunately, that seems to have been fixed with the release of skyrim.

I was never a fan of orcs outside of the villain roles, but I apparently both TES and Warcraft disagrees with me on that front. Fair enough, I always liked Orcs anyways. I see orcs as incredibly tough and hardy, not stupid, but slightly primitive, very bestial and instinctive creatures, earning wisdom and intelligence with age, provided they manage to survive their dangerous lives long enough to even get gray hairs.
This seem to be the way bethesda intended to introduce us to them as well, but instead, we get a lot of really stupid muscle people.

Have you guys SEEN that loading screen model of the dual wielding, blood splattered [censored]less bersker of an orc? I mean, where are those? Only orcs I've encountered are either rude or arrogant failures who were good at nothing. Of course there was the gray prince from oblivion. He was kind of cool, but I remember him as the only cool orc in then entire history of the elder scrolls.

Want me to play as an orc? Let's have more of those loading screen guys. Feared warriors who rain hell upon their enemies, roaring with fury as they lose themselves to battle, not minding their own wounds, but just furiously turning enemies into corpses. Let's get rid of these stupid stereotypes and get more of those serious orcs, who are committed to their ways and their traditions. Like that one orc I encountered just outside of windhelm, called "old orc" who had apparently just killed two saber tigers on his own. That guy was cooler than all of the orcs in all of skyrim put together! He didn't sound like an overconfident, unintelligent brute.

Of all the cool races in tamriel, THESE guys get to be the best warriors of the game? We have the nords and orcs who generally seem to be all about combat, but no.. The redguards are apparently just that much better warriors from natures side. It baffles me. Especially when you hear about redguard culture. It just doesn't compare to orcs and nords, but still, they remain "the best warriors in tamriel". It's silly and makes very little sense. They should be naturally good merchants instead, or have poison resistance or heat resistance instead.
The redguards strike me as another completely failed race.

So, after reading my long whining rant, please, share your opinions and help me like the races of tamriel better.
Help me find a reason to play as the other races. Help me see why bethesda chose to make the races this way.

Also, no offence meant to those of you who are fans of the races I may have just bashed. It's just my personal opinion here
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Adam Baumgartner
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 7:12 pm

I disagree with your assessment on Redguards and Khajiit. Possibly because I've played all five chapters of TES, you seem to have only played the last 3.

Maybe you should try studying the Redguards more - they are a very interesting subject.

Khajiit... are out of focus in Skyrim, but even what you've said doesn't reflect the khajiit anyway. They are the oldest race in Tamriel. What you describe as "What Khajiit should be" is filled by another race: The Bosmer. The khajiit, in their hatred for the Bosmer, have decided to be the opposite in every way they can. Bosmer live in trees and other "natural" surroundings. Khajiit build wonderous cities that stand against the landscape. Bosmer run around naked in their forests, khajiit are well-dressed and highly decorated. Bosmer eat people. Khajiit get high on sugar. Making them primitive? Sorry, these guys have had centuries to get their act together before Man and Mer ever arrived on Tamriel. Also, they have the same geographical situation that led to Imperial China, and the Khajiit have emulated that. I don't know where you got the idea their claws weren't retractable - the games specifically state they do retract. Khajiit are born into their station in life, and their forms reflect that. Because of that, they know how to get [censored] done! ... when the North and South aren't futily squabbling.
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 9:23 am

Skins aside, you can look like those badass models (without the animations) just by picking up the respective armors and weapons. I think you'll find that one race looks as good as the next in that respect.
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Heather M
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 10:42 am

I disagree with your assessment on Redguards and Khajiit. Possibly because I've played all five chapters of TES, you seem to have only played the last 3.

Maybe you should try studying the Redguards more - they are a very interesting subject.

Khajiit... are out of focus in Skyrim, but even what you've said doesn't reflect the khajiit anyway. They are the oldest race in Tamriel. What you describe as "What Khajiit should be" is filled by another race: The Bosmer. The khajiit, in their hatred for the Bosmer, have decided to be the opposite in every way they can. Bosmer live in trees and other "natural" surroundings. Khajiit build wonderous cities that stand against the landscape. Bosmer run around naked in their forests, khajiit are well-dressed and highly decorated. Bosmer eat people. Khajiit get high on sugar. Making them primitive? Sorry, these guys have had centuries to get their act together before Man and Mer ever arrived on Tamriel. Also, they have the same geographical situation that led to Imperial China, and the Khajiit have emulated that. I don't know where you got the idea their claws weren't retractable - the games specifically state they do retract. Khajiit are born into their station in life, and their forms reflect that. Because of that, they know how to get [censored] done! ... when the North and South aren't futily squabbling.

I've played arena and daggerfall. Infact Arena was the first TES game I tried, on my dad's old computer when I was too young to even understand what it was about. I just never completed any of the two first games, or bothered much with them.

That aside, you can come up with lots of nice and interesting lore and backstories for a race, but as much as you can make stuff up (don't misunderstand, not implying that YOU made this up), it doesn't necessarily make sense. And both khajiit and redguard continues to make none, from where I am sitting.

As a note on the retractable claws... I've examined the hands of the khajiits in the games closely, sorry. No retractable claws, or anywhere their claws could go upon being retracted. They have hands! Not paws!
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Everardo Montano
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 3:22 pm

Mount & Blade had good loading screens? O.o

They seemed pretty standard to me. Did you maybe mod your M&B? Because all my loading screen in those games show is pretty much the same as Oblivion's and most other games' loading screens.

But I agree about Skyrim's; the loading screens are some of the best I've ever seen. Though... I still would like to see less of them :P
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hannah sillery
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 6:09 pm

Did you know you can rotate the models on the loading screens? :)
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 9:31 am

I've played arena and daggerfall. Infact Arena was the first TES game I tried, on my dad's old computer when I was too young to even understand what it was about. I just never completed any of the two first games, or bothered much with them.

That aside, you can come up with lots of nice and interesting lore and backstories for a race, but as much as you can make stuff up (don't misunderstand, not implying that YOU made this up), it doesn't necessarily make sense. And both khajiit and redguard continues to make none, from where I am sitting.

As a note on the retractable claws... I've examined the hands of the khajiits in the games closely, sorry. No retractable claws, or anywhere their claws could go upon being retracted. They have hands! Not paws!

Khajiit use magic to make their claws retract. The lore states they have retractable claws. Ergo, they have retractable claws. Also, having built-in machining tools makes them great craftsmen. I'm not sure where you'd get an idea contrary to that.

Redguards are so awesome they get an entire game dedicated to their awesomeness and ability to defeat Tiber Septim's Legions. And he had a massive dragon on his side.
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 6:30 am

The Khajiit model has no helmet on... for good reason. My Khajiits mane clips through every single helmet i've found in the game. Quite annoying for someone who only plays in 3rd person.
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Sherry Speakman
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 2:23 pm

Khajiit use magic to make their claws retract. The lore states they have retractable claws. Ergo, they have retractable claws. Also, having built-in machining tools makes them great craftsmen. I'm not sure where you'd get an idea contrary to that.

Redguards are so awesome they get an entire game dedicated to their awesomeness and ability to defeat Tiber Septim's Legions. And he had a massive dragon on his side.

Magic, the solution to every plot hole and mistake.

yeah, I get that redguards are apparently awesome, but looking at their culture now (in the current games) I don't see much bias to support that. most reguards I encountered in oblivion were leaders. In skyrim, apart from a few, most appear to be just regular people, and those who are not, are also in leader positions.

Using an argument like "This fantasy race is awesome because once, they did something awesome" is hardly going to convince me. That was actually the point I just made about your argument about khajiit earlier. An author or game dev. can invent as many cool background stories as they want, but if those background stories aren't consistent with what is actually presented, then it makes no sense. Because there is an inconsistency.
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 8:05 pm

I disagree. I think Bethesda has represented the races exceptionally well in Skyrim. You don't have to be an all-powerful mage to be stuck-up. You don't even have to be rich.
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Jinx Sykes
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 6:25 am

I disagree. I think Bethesda has represented the races exceptionally well in Skyrim. You don't have to be an all-powerful mage to be stuck-up. You don't even have to be rich.

But WHY do you disagree? Stating the obvious (which has nothing to do with what I wrote btw), and pointing out that you disagree doesn't really make any point come a cross.

WHY is it that you think they represented the races EXCEPTIONALLY well in Skyrim?
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 7:26 am

But WHY do you disagree? Stating the obvious (which has nothing to do with what I wrote btw), and pointing out that you disagree doesn't really make any point come a cross.

WHY is it that you think they represented the races EXCEPTIONALLY well in Skyrim?

I was originally going to post a long-winded reply. I got Bosmer, Altmer, and Nord down, then decided against it. Here goes:

Edit: To clarify, I was't disagreeing about the loading screens being awesome.


They were represented fairly well in Skyrim because they didn't ALL follow the same stereotype. There's Faendal in Riverwood, who shows a more rugger side. Then there are the Thalmor, who are more military, but still show the stuck-up, snobbish attitudes that Altmer have always had. At the same time, they all generally have that slight hint of 'I'm better than you' going on. Which fits extremely well, because that's their race. You don't have to be rich or a powerful magician to be stuck-up. I've met plenty of people in RL that prove that. The Altmer display that stunningly, while still showing they can be normal people, and aren't BOUND by their stereotypes.


I couldn't ask for a better representation, just MORE of a representation. There aren't enough Bosmer to truly judge them, but their appearances give off a distinctly savage, carnivorous look. At least to me. The Bosmer brothers in Whiterun are my best example. They're still civilized and intelligent, but they're carnivorous hunters. That's what Bosmer are, carnivores. They'd rather eat a wolf than befriend it.


They are represented so much, being 85% of the population in Skyrim. And I couldn't ask for anything better than what we've been given. They display a sense of honor, valor, and kinsmanship that replaced the 'dull, strong guy' stereotype in previous games. They FEEL like Nords should feel. They're a hardy, tough, and tradition-following race of men from the north. Every facet they could fill is displayed. Thugs, warriors, Jarls, knights, everything. You see all the depths they can have, and they have personalities that are close enough to be of the same race, but not of the same person.


They've been shown as a mistrusted race that still strives to get along and thrive. People see them as thieves, but the honorable few stick by their honor, and work hard to make a living. There are still many thieves and smugglers, though, staying true to a few stereotypes. There aren't many Khajiit, but I like what I've seen from the few there are. There's not much I'd change, besides a higher number of them.


Damn, where to start? The strongholds are perfect. They display a tough, tight-knit race, that stays true to tradition, generally mistrusts outsiders, and doesn't branch out often. They choose their leadership based on the toughest fighter, and he's the only one who spreads his genes. Anybody who dislikes it has the chance to leave, permanently. I wouldn't change anything, because orcs are represented to follow their stereotypes well in the stronghold, and the ones that left don't follow stereotypes, giving them a reason to leave.

Other races: I can't really explain the other races too well, as I either haven't seen enough of them, or can't put the feeling into words.

But, overall, I like how the races are generally represented.
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victoria gillis
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 7:17 am

I've always liked, and played, Nord characters in TES. For BOTH reasons you mention - the barbarian stereotype and also the more (Earth) Nordic culture portrayed in Skyrim. I like how they've portrayed the Nords in this one. Ever since I played Morrowind some 8-10 years ago (time lapse realisation!) I've always wanted to play in Skyrim.

Now I can :D :D :D :D :D :D

I especially love the model of the Breton magic-woman, the Nord warrior and the Orc. Wood elf one is pretty cool to.

And when idly fiddling with my controller and discovering that you can rotate and zoom all of it!? :o

Your post was an interesting read, I like to see what other people think of the races and how they're portrayed in game. I've always wanted to play a Dunmer with a samurai-ish nature, and also a Khajiit with the nature as you describe - feral, outdoorsy, vicious... But I find just playing one character to a decent sense of development takes most of my time...

As such I've yet to really 'meet' all the races. But what I've seen so far I'm pretty happy with how they're portrayed. I like that there's a definite division in cultures and that racism is present, seems realistic to me.
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 6:12 am

I disagree with the Khajiit part. Oh well.

Just a curious fact tho, the Khajiit were originally Bosmer, who lived in a part of Valenwood,which is now known as Elsweyr.
Padomai and Anu[both entities] gave birth to the people of the wood, the Bosmer, but later Anu was tricked by Padomai into having more children than he originally intended, and as punishment he she killed her. Those children were Azura,Nirn ,the two moons and the stars.
But Padomai, on her dying breath, told their unwanted child Lady Azura to change the Bosmer inhabiting the eastern part of Valenwood, who were faithful to Padomai, into the strongest,fastest, most cunning race she could,in order to differentiate them from Anu's followers.
Azura did as she was asked, and thus the cat people,the Khajiit, were born. Gifted with the strenght, cunning and nimbleness of the fiercest felines in all Tamriel, they had everything to be better than the remaining Bosmers,faithful to Anu.

Inevitably, Anu was enraged by Azura's betrayal, and punished her, by turning the southern part of Valenwood, her people's homeland , from grasslands into a dry desert, and their forests into poisonous marshes. That part of Valenwood came to be known as Elsweyr, homeland of the Khajiit.

Those who were faithful to Anu remained in western Valenwood,which was unnaffected by the curse,and are still known to this day as Bosmer. Thus was born the everlasting rivalry between the Khajiit and the Bosmer.

What is ironic tho, is that the Dunmer and the Khajiit both are supposedly children of Azura, and yet they hate each other so much. The only difference is that the Dunmer later betrayed Azura.

TLDR ; the Khajiit do have a place in TES.
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Lillian Cawfield
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 12:20 pm

I was originally going to post a long-winded reply. I got Bosmer, Altmer, and Nord down, then decided against it. Here goes:

Edit: To clarify, I was't disagreeing about the loading screens being awesome.


They were represented fairly well in Skyrim because they didn't ALL follow the same stereotype. There's Faendal in Riverwood, who shows a more rugger side. Then there are the Thalmor, who are more military, but still show the stuck-up, snobbish attitudes that Altmer have always had. At the same time, they all generally have that slight hint of 'I'm better than you' going on. Which fits extremely well, because that's their race. You don't have to be rich or a powerful magician to be stuck-up. I've met plenty of people in RL that prove that. The Altmer display that stunningly, while still showing they can be normal people, and aren't BOUND by their stereotypes.


I couldn't ask for a better representation, just MORE of a representation. There aren't enough Bosmer to truly judge them, but their appearances give off a distinctly savage, carnivorous look. At least to me. The Bosmer brothers in Whiterun are my best example. They're still civilized and intelligent, but they're carnivorous hunters. That's what Bosmer are, carnivores. They'd rather eat a wolf than befriend it.


They are represented so much, being 85% of the population in Skyrim. And I couldn't ask for anything better than what we've been given. They display a sense of honor, valor, and kinsmanship that replaced the 'dull, strong guy' stereotype in previous games. They FEEL like Nords should feel. They're a hardy, tough, and tradition-following race of men from the north. Every facet they could fill is displayed. Thugs, warriors, Jarls, knights, everything. You see all the depths they can have, and they have personalities that are close enough to be of the same race, but not of the same person.


They've been shown as a mistrusted race that still strives to get along and thrive. People see them as thieves, but the honorable few stick by their honor, and work hard to make a living. There are still many thieves and smugglers, though, staying true to a few stereotypes. There aren't many Khajiit, but I like what I've seen from the few there are. There's not much I'd change, besides a higher number of them.


Damn, where to start? The strongholds are perfect. They display a tough, tight-knit race, that stays true to tradition, generally mistrusts outsiders, and doesn't branch out often. They choose their leadership based on the toughest fighter, and he's the only one who spreads his genes. Anybody who dislikes it has the chance to leave, permanently. I wouldn't change anything, because orcs are represented to follow their stereotypes well in the stronghold, and the ones that left don't follow stereotypes, giving them a reason to leave.

Other races: I can't really explain the other races too well, as I either haven't seen enough of them, or can't put the feeling into words.

But, overall, I like how the races are generally represented.

I was under the impression that Faendal was a bosmer? I'm fairly sure about that to be honest.. Not even sure how to check up on this. He doesn't have that golden skin and stuff.

You know what? That's actually a lot of really good observations. You did manage to point out a few things I had completely overlooked, especially your points on altmer and dunmer.

I still couldn't disagree more on khajiit, and just came to realize that the only Orc stronghold I have found is the one near riften. Are there any others? Are the orcs any different there?

@Nordloving guys aka Kilaeil Wayfarer:

Yes, the game would be quite weird without racism, wouldn't it? I almost can't imagine a medieval world where everyone gets a long just fine.
At any rate, I can definitely relate to how you feel about Skyrim. I remember playing morrowind, and just not wanting to leave solstheim :P And climbing the frostback mountains in oblivion to see if I would happen on more nord culture somewhere.

Bruma, however, remains a thorn in my side. I would have been so happy if it had gone up in flames during the main quest in oblivion. Heck, I would have probably joined in the sacking of it myself. I have a severe dislike for the nords in Oblivion. How they annoyed me ever so much...

a small sidestep, what ever happened to argonians and khajiits suddenly having normal feet and walking exactly like humans? I remember them walking slightly hunched over in morrowind.
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joseluis perez
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 1:29 pm

a small sidestep, what ever happened to argonians and khajiits suddenly having normal feet and walking exactly like humans? I remember them walking slightly hunched over in morrowind.

They have a loooot of different sub-species.

For example,in Elsweyr, there's species of Khajiit who are quadrupedal, and are as big as a bear.And they're intelligent.

There's also winged Argonians , and giant Argonians in Black Marsh. [much like the giants in Skyrim]
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Adam Kriner
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 10:45 am

They have a loooot of different sub-species.

For example,in Elsweyr, there's species of Khajiit who are quadrupedal, and are as big as a bear.And they're intelligent.

There's also winged Argonians , and giant Argonians in Black Marsh. [much like the giants in Skyrim]

I don't know any Khajiit subspecies the size of bears in Elsweyr.

I know there's one the size of a Freight Engine/Elephant (The Senche-Raht), and the Senche are about the size of a car (taller, but not as broad, and just as long), and then a few oversized tigers... but no bear-sized Khajiit.

I wish they kept and refined the Argonian and Khajiit styles used in Morrowind.
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 3:52 pm

I wish they'd show some of the more diverse sub-species of the Khajiit and Argonians. I understand that most of the subspecies apparently don't leave their homeland often, and the more humanoid kinds are the most common outside their borders due to being able to easily assimilate into society. BUT SERIOUSLY!? You can't say that NONE of them go outside their borders!
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 3:57 pm

I don't know any Khajiit subspecies the size of bears in Elsweyr.

I know there's one the size of a Freight Engine/Elephant (The Senche-Raht), and the Senche are about the size of a car (taller, but not as broad, and just as long), and then a few oversized tigers... but no bear-sized Khajiit.

I wish they kept and refined the Argonian and Khajiit styles used in Morrowind.

Yeaaah that.

My reference was a book written by Imperials I read waaaay back in Oblivion that mentioned those "battle cats" [how they called them] , and how they butchered the Legion in a little war.
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