[IDEA][WIPz] Robco Certified Addon: Robot Salesman (Title Pe

Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 1:37 pm

Okay I could use some help in making an addon (not the actual making of the mod itself, but in the creative process of it)

Basically I had the idea of making an addon to Toasty's Robco Certified mod that allows you to turn your Robotic expertise into an entreprenoural business. I had two ideas for this:

1. More accurate Packaged Bot prices: My only real complaint about Toasty's Mod is the very haphazard pricing for the packaged robots. (Example: Protectrons are priced at 4999 caps while gutsies are priced at 1999 caps... how does that make sense?) And the fact that Crazed Inventor Junk bots don't have a price at all?

So right now I need some suggestions for revised prices for every single bot in the mod, especially junkbots since they don't have any price on them whatsoever.

(also, some way to sell Hoverbrains, scuttlebrains, cybercreatures etc?)

2. Specialized customers. Basically add in a few customers that you could sell your bots to (through dialogue rather than normal means) for bigger profits (and/or faction rep plus karma). The caveat would be that they'd only accept certain bots.

Here's My ideas so far:

Mr. House/YesMan: Pays 2x (2.5x or more if you have high enough barter) per bot. Buys: Securitrons only. (Informs you that in recent years he's managed to lose a few of his securitrons to various sources, and that a few broken models have wound up on the black market. He would like you to retrieve his "personal property" for him and will pay you generously to do so)

Old Lady Gibson: Pays 1.5x-2x Buys: Junkbots only.

Major Polatli: Pays full price. Also adds Karma and NCR rep. Buys: Anything that can fight. (In other words, anything that has some sort of attack) (He needs support to deal with the legion. And in desperation he's turned to some... unorthodox sources.)

It's a start, but I need input for more "specialized customers" . Specifically I need three things for each: Who they are, [i]How[i] much they're willing to pay (and what kind of karma gain/loss and faction rep you'll get too) [i] what [i] they want to buy (or don't want to buy) and some possible explaination for it.
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Rozlyn Robinson
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 7:11 pm

Followers of The Appocalypse could buy repair/medic bots for 1.25 price...

Gun Runners could buy fighting robots at double price as guards.
Same with Crimson Caravan.

BoS could buy fighting robots too.
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 7:30 am

Followers of The Appocalypse could buy repair/medic bots for 1.25 price...

Gun Runners could buy fighting robots at double price as guards.
Same with Crimson Caravan.

BoS could buy fighting robots too.


Julie Farkas: Buys at 1.25 Price (plus gives Follower and Freeside reputation) Buys: Mr Handy, Mr Orderly, Safebot (any other bot that could fit here?)

Gun Runners: Buys at 1.5x-2x price. Buys: Assemblotron (favored), Mr. Gutsy, Flichebot, Holobot, Projectorbot, SentryBot, Turretbot, Multibot Mk 1 and 2, Giant and mega roboscorpion, Securitron Mk 1 or 2(If Mr house is dead. Otherwise they'll refuse saying they don't want mr house on their ass), Mliitary Cyberdog. (They want Guards that can unload a lot of ordinance and can hold go a long time without needing replacement or repair. They have no use for robots that can't hold their own in a fight or In other words, they want only upper-teir fighting bots.) They will also buy safebots since they're more efficient than pack bramins. Of particular interest however is the Assemblotron which they'll pay 2.5-3x for, since it's not only one of the most intimidating robots, it's also useful for showcasing heavy weapons)

Crimson Caravan (Alice Mclaffery): Buys at 1x - 1.5 price. Buys:: Mr. Gutsy, Eyebot, Floating Eye, Safebot, Hoverbot, safebot, mini turret bot, Ovenbot, Tvtron, Mr Handy, (On the opposite end, Alice is looking for faster robots that have less intimidation factor and more cheap/speed factor.) Stuff that's not overly expensive yet won't lag behind.

Brotherhood of Steel (Knight Lorenzo): Buys at 1x-1.75x (plus BOS Reputation). Buys:: Protectron, Robobrain, RoboScorpion (all), Securitron (Favored), SentryBot, Assemblotron. (They're looking for Old world tech bots. "Oh and just so we're clear, we're looking for actual robots here. Protectrons, robobrains, Sentrybots. Stuff from the old world we can use, take apart, study, etc. We don't want ovens on treads or flying lightbulbs or any other jury rigged junk. And we really don't want robotic radroaches or mechazombies either." But they will buy Big Mountain based bots too, but not cyborgs. And Assemblotrons are just advanced enough that they'll take those too. Plus they can use Recursobots so they'll take them as well. But of real interest are the Securitrons, they'll pay 2x to 2.5x for those.)

hmmm there might be more later. But for now... any suggestions for robot prices themselves? (base values)
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lydia nekongo
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 5:15 am

I fully support and approve of this addition.
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 12:34 pm

What are the robot prices in the current mod?
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 10:31 am

What are the robot prices in the current mod?

Let's see...

  • Assembletron: 4000 caps
  • Multibot Mk I: 4000 caps
  • Multibot Mk II: 5000 caps
  • Working Safebot (the kind you buy at the store): 250 caps
  • Eyebot: 1000 Caps
  • Floating Eye: 1000 caps
  • Mr Handy: 1500 caps
  • Protectron: 1500 caps
  • Jury Rigged Securitron: 1500 caps
  • Mr Gutsy: 2000 caps
  • Hoverbot: 1500 caps
  • Mr. Orderly: 1500 caps
  • Robobrain: 2000 caps
  • Securitron Mk I: 2000 caps
  • Unique Brainbots: 5000 caps
  • Securitron Mk II: 3000 caps
  • Sentry Bot (both types): 3500
  • Broken Protectron: 100
  • Broken Mr Handy: 150
  • Broken Securitron: 100
  • All other bots not mentioned (including cyberdogs, Junkbots, Turret and miniturret bot, and Recursobot: 0 caps.

Okay I've attempted to come up with a better more realistic formula for pricing the robots. What I've come up with is this:

Cost equation for constructable bots: Materials* x (Labor ((Skill required / 100) +1) * Teir# )

*Values for guns and armors are /teir to discourage players from buying fresh and new and using that especially for the lower two teirs.

teir 1 = 0.25

1 & 1 (weapon/armor calc only)= 0.325

teir 2 = 0.5

Teir 2 & 1 = 0.625

teir 2 & 2 = 0.75

teir 3 = 1

Also anything (except ammo) with a value of less than 10 is multiplied by 5

# Teir division is as follows.

1 = 1

1 & 1 = 1.25

2 = 1.5

Teir 2 & 1 = 1.625

3 = 2

4 = 4

5 = 6


Since we can't produce these through recepies, a different formula is needed.

Materials x Teir

Teir =

1 = 1.5

2 = 2.5

Only problem is that a lot of the time with the bots I wind up pricing them LESS than the orginal bot price listed above. (Full list coming soon)
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Kathryn Medows
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 9:28 am

Let's see...

  • Assembletron: 4000 caps
  • Multibot Mk I: 4000 caps
  • Multibot Mk II: 5000 caps
  • Working Safebot (the kind you buy at the store): 250 caps
  • Eyebot: 1000 Caps
  • Floating Eye: 1000 caps
  • Mr Handy: 1500 caps
  • Protectron: 1500 caps
  • Jury Rigged Securitron: 1500 caps
  • Mr Gutsy: 2000 caps
  • Hoverbot: 1500 caps
  • Mr. Orderly: 1500 caps
  • Robobrain: 2000 caps
  • Securitron Mk I: 2000 caps
  • Unique Brainbots: 5000 caps
  • Securitron Mk II: 3000 caps
  • Sentry Bot (both types): 3500
  • Broken Protectron: 100
  • Broken Mr Handy: 150
  • Broken Securitron: 100
  • All other bots not mentioned (including cyberdogs, Junkbots, Turret and miniturret bot, and Recursobot: 0 caps.

Okay here's the new list. However I think that my calculation that I mentioned actually underpriced quite a few of them (in particular the junkbots and teir 1 robots) while SEVERELY overpricing the Teir 3, 4, and 5 bots.


Cyber Creatures
  • CyberDog (Teir 1): 225 Caps
  • Military Cyberdog (Teir 2): 485 Caps

Junkbots (teir 1)
  • BeanBot: 165 Caps
  • Coffeebot: 190 Caps
  • Hydrobot: 190 Caps
  • Jukebot: 165 Caps
  • Ovenbot: 220 Caps
  • Safebot: 160Caps
  • TVtron: 375 Caps

Junkbots (teir 2)
  • Electrobot: 730 Caps
  • Fichebot: 565 Caps
  • Holobot: 375 Caps
  • Projectorbot: 315 Caps
  • Serverbot: 440 Caps
  • Shieldbot: 435 Caps
  • Thinktank (no not the OWB ones): 275 Caps
  • [bTransformer][/b]: 750 Caps

Robco bots (teir 1)
  • Eyebot: 250 Caps
  • Floating Eye: 250 caps
  • Mr Handy: 390 caps
  • Protectron: 355 caps
  • Robo Scorpion: 360 Caps
  • Jury Rigged Securitron: 2535 caps

Robco bots (teir 2)
  • Walking Eye: 285 caps
  • Mr Gutsy: 1070 caps
  • Hoverbot: 445 caps
  • Mr. Orderly: 990 caps
  • Robobrain: 1700 caps
  • Giant Robo Scorpion: 985 caps
  • Securitron Mk I: 7015 caps

Robco bots (teir 3)
  • Mega Robo-Scorpion: 36300 caps
  • Securitron Mk II: 48040 caps
  • Sentry Bot (minigun): 29025 caps
  • Sentry Bot (Laser): 32925 caps

    • Mini-turretbot (Teir 2): 745 Caps
    • Recursobot (Teir 2): 320 Caps
    • Turretbot (Teir 3): 3890 Caps
    • Assembletron (Teir 4): 14175 caps
    • Multibot Mk I ( (Teir 4): 84573 caps
    • Multibot Mk II (Teir 5): 136990 caps

As you can see we have a bit of a problem. the Teir 1 and 2 robots are underpriced, while the Teir 3, 4, and 5 robots are severely overpriced.

If anyone is interested in helping me out in repricing these, I present to you another list: one presenting the minimum cost in parts needed to make each bot. This is just the bare minimum cost for each part. Note that some bots need armors or weapons as parts. for this one I'll include the full value of these weapons and armors but I'll also include the cost of JUST the armors and weapons in parenthesis next to it so you can adjust the cost for armors and weapons if anyone so chooses.


Cyber Creatures
  • CyberDog (Teir 1): 62 Caps (there are actually two recpies for this. This is the most expensive. The other one is 59)
  • Military Cyberdog (Teir 2): 87 Caps (there are actually two repies for this. This is the most expensive. The other one is 83)

Junkbots (teir 1)
  • BeanBot: 102 Caps
  • Coffeebot: 105 Caps
  • Hydrobot: 125 Caps
  • Jukebot: 102 Caps
  • Ovenbot: 114 Caps
  • Safebot: 105 Caps
  • TVtron: 130 Caps

Junkbots (teir 2)
  • Electrobot: 550 Caps (450 caps for the cattle prod)
  • Fichebot: 130 Caps
  • Holobot: 101 Caps
  • Projectorbot: 105 Caps
  • Serverbot: 115 Caps
  • Shieldbot: 175 Caps
  • Thinktank (no not the OWB ones): 102 Caps
  • [bTransformer][/b]: 200 Caps

Robco bots (teir 1)
  • Eyebot: 140 Caps
  • Floating Eye: 140 caps
  • Mr Handy: 189 caps
  • Protectron: 350 caps (175 for laser pistol) caps
  • Robo Scorpion: 225 Caps
  • Jury Rigged Securitron: 100 caps (the only way to build one of these is to repair a broken Securiton. Prices for it will need to be calculated from the MK I version)

Robco bots (teir 2)
  • Walking Eye: 141 caps
  • Mr Gutsy: 439 (200 caps for the Plasma Pistol)
  • Hoverbot: 210 caps
  • Mr. Orderly: 455 caps (175 caps for laser pistol)
  • Robobrain: 1026 caps (800 caps for laser rifle)
  • Giant Robo Scorpion: 365 caps
  • Securitron Mk I: 5275 caps (4200 caps for Grenade Launcher, 850 for 9mm)

Robco bots (teir 3)
  • Unique Thinktank (Both): 8255 caps (8000 for laer)
  • Mega Robo-Scorpion: 9075 caps (8700 for Tesla Cannon)
  • Securitron Mk II: 10275 caps (Securitron Mk I plus MkII upgrade, only way to make these that I know of. That reminds me I should probably do this for the upgrade mods as well.)
  • Sentry Bot (minigun): 9675 caps (5500 caps for minigun, 3900 for missile launcher)
  • Sentry Bot (Laser): 10975 caps (6800 caps for minigun, 3900 for missile launcher)

    • Mini-turretbot (Teir 2): 1000 Caps (850 for 9mm)
    • Recursobot (Teir 2): 62 Caps
    • Turretbot (Teir 3): 2350 Caps (2150 Laser RCW)
    • Assembletron (Teir 4): 4089 caps (3500 for Metal Armor reinforced. Like with Cyberdogs there are 2 recipies for this. the other one uses regular Metal Armor which is 1100 caps Using regular metal armor changes the total assemletron cost to 1689)
    • Multibot Mk I ( (Teir 4): 14951 caps
    • Multibot Mk II (Teir 5): 20390 caps

So there you have it. The BARE MINIMUM cost to produce each and every single bot, assuming you're buying the weapons and metal armors at 100% condition from either the gun runners or the Silver Rush at base price (100 barter skill)
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Greg Swan
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 4:03 pm

Yeeouch, yeah, those price tags are a bit hefty. The cheap prices of the low tier (it's tier by the way, not ''teir'') stuff are actually probably alright, if you want people to even consider using the cruddy ones, but those tier 3 robots are at least 10000 too expensive. The tier 4 Multibot costs as much as an average player makes in an entire game. Just eyeballing it, I'd say drop the tier 3+ robots down to double the cost of their parts. That keeps them still far pricier than the tier 2 robots, while still affordable.

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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 5:08 pm

Dat Multibot Mk II price!
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 8:26 am

Thing is, I wanna give some incentive for building and selling Upper Teir robots over lower ones. Otherwise if you just double the price of Teir 3+ robots there's very little incentive to build say, mutlibots over just building a crap-load of protections and handies.

But on the other hand, perhaps the "Unique Customers" idea could take care of that problem by giving customers that pay extra for these bots and yet ONLY want certain those kinda of bots.

I have to wonder though should I include the full price of the weapons (for bots that require weapons) into them or should I only include a fraction of them in order to prevent players from just running to the gun runners/Silver Rush to buy weapons for the bots just so they can sell them back at a huge profit, instead requireing players to either seek out bargins for these weapons or find them themselves?

Edit: Here's the new equation system I came up with. hopefully this should do a lot better than before.

Cost equation for constructable bots: Materials* x (Labor (Skill required / 100) + Teir# )

*Values for guns and armors are /teir to discourage players from buying fresh and new and using that especially for the lower two teirs.

teir 1 = 0.25

teir 2 = 0.5

teir 3 = 0.75

teir 4 & 5 = 1

Also anything (except ammo) with a value of less than 10 is multiplied by 5

# Teir division is as follows.

1 = 1.25

2 = 1.5

3 = 1.75

4 = 2

5 = 3


Since we can't produce these through recepies, a different formula is needed.

Materials x Teir

Teir =

1 = 1.5

2 = 2.0

and here's the new list. This time I've included both the fractionalized weapon costs AND the prices with full weapon values factored in.


Cyber Creatures
  • CyberDog (Teir 1): 115 Caps
  • Military Cyberdog (Teir 2): 210 Caps

Junkbots (teir 1)
  • BeanBot: 155 Caps
  • Coffeebot: 160 Caps
  • Hydrobot: 190 Caps
  • Jukebot: 155 Caps
  • Ovenbot: 175 Caps
  • Safebot: 155 Caps
  • TVtron: 195 Caps

Junkbots (teir 2)
  • Electrobot: 590 (1100 for weapon full price)Caps
  • Fichebot: 260 Caps
  • Holobot: 205 Caps
  • Projectorbot: 210 Caps
  • Serverbot: 230 Caps
  • Shieldbot: 350 Caps
  • Thinktank (no not the OWB ones): 205 Caps
  • Transformer]: 400 Caps

Robco bots (teir 1)
  • Eyebot: 235 Caps
  • Floating Eye: 235 caps
  • Mr Handy: 350 caps
  • Protectron: 220 caps (650 for F.W.P.) caps
  • Robo Scorpion: 420 Caps
  • Jury Rigged Securitron: 2420 caps (Securitron MKI price divided by 2.5, 4645 for F.W.P.)

Robco bots (teir 2)
  • Walking Eye: 305 caps
  • Mr Gutsy: 780 (1010 caps for F.W.P)
  • Hoverbot: 455 caps
  • Mr. Orderly: 850 caps (1050 caps for F.W.P)
  • Robobrain: 1440 caps (2360 caps for F.W.P)
  • Giant Robo Scorpion: 840 caps
  • Securitron Mk I: 6050 caps (11605 caps for F.W.P)

Robco bots (teir 3)
  • Unique Thinktank (Both): 16500 caps (22000 for F.W.P)
  • Mega Robo-Scorpion: 18975 caps (24960 for F.W.P)
  • Securitron Mk II: 18255 caps (25175 for F.W.P)
  • Sentry Bot (minigun): 20145 caps (26610 caps for F.W.P)
  • Sentry Bot (Laser): 22825 caps (30185 caps for F.W.P)

    • Mini-turretbot (Teir 2): 1095 Caps (1900 for F.W.P)
    • Recursobot (Teir 2): 140 Caps (though I'm thinking that you should not be allowed to sell this. It's not good policy to sell your means of production to your customers, after all.)
    • Turretbot (Teir 3): 4170 Caps (5405 for F.W.P)
    • Assembletron (Teir 4): 11860 caps (3500 for Metal Armor reinforced. Like with Cyberdogs there are 2 recipies for this. the other one uses regular Metal Armor which is 1100 caps Using regular metal armor changes the total assemletron cost to 4900 caps)
    • Multibot Mk I ( (Teir 4): 43360 caps
    • Multibot Mk II (Teir 5): 81560 caps

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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 2:22 pm

Tier. I before E!

Those prices look much more palatable. For most of them, the FWP doesn't look particularly worse, except in a few outlying cases (like the Mini-turretbot where it nearly doubles the price); however, going with a fraction of the FWP will probably make more sense. Remember that the NPC merchants don't have infinite stock (I mean, sure they restock, but you can buy them out temporarily) so relying on them for weapons shouldn't be the end of the world since a player could only potentially make so many robots purely off of merchant bought parts before having to wait for the merchants to restock.

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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 3:00 pm

Any chance we will see this "customers" with their newly acquired tech patrolling, wishing for a nuclear winter?
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 5:12 pm

Any chance we will see this "customers" with their newly acquired tech patrolling, wishing for a nuclear winter?

You mean like with the fallout 3 robco certified?

Ha ha ha... no. unless someone else helps me with that, definately not.

I'm definately not that skilled when it comes to that sort of thing.

Hell, i'm not even sure how i'm going to get the dialogue systems going for the customers in the first place. >.>

Right now i'm trying to figure out where to put the Mr House greeting, or how to make that work.
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