» Wed Dec 07, 2011 5:16 am
The 4gb loader isn't required (NVSE is, but that's all). The animations are idle animations, and as such, the player and NPCs look through all idle animations to see which to use for a given situation. The motorcycle animations have a parent dummy animation that (should) control whether they're used; the conditional is to check if IsWin32 == 0 (which should never be true when playing on computer). For some reason, this conditional is failing for you daerdevil. I'll try some other conditionals in the future and see if I can find one that is more reliable (that IsWin32 isn't reliable baffles me). Maybe IsPS3 == 1...
The location of the motorcycle has been mentioned by one of you, so having not spotted it there, retrace your steps. I tried not to make it outright hidden, but it is in an essentially otherwise unused spot. It's slightly sheltered from the elements but is still outdoors in the wasteland. I had considered having it be the motorcycle Old Lady Gibson keeps in her garage, but hers is explosive and ultimately I ended up adding a new motorcycle object rather than reusing an existing one. After you do find and repair the motorcycle, if you ever totally lose it, you can return to where you first found it for a way to retrieve it. The retrieval mechanism is the only outright 4th wall breaker I included on purpose, but it's like the companion dismissal terminals added to the vanilla game: there to account for when the game effs up.
That said, a major update to another game I enjoy came out on Dec 1st, so I've been a little preoccupied.
Also, guys, I'd prefer it if this thread dies and discussion moved to the beta release thread.