I had an idea about possible vehicales in fallout next game, mainly a motorcycle. I've often seens frames in and wheels and handle bars though out new vegas. Then perhaps make a quest that include obtaing these items, then haveing modds live bigger engine maybe a grill/plow for smaller enemys. rather than rages chaingguns and such main wepons being any weapon held in one hand hand guns, one handed melee wepons small sub machinguns, sawed off shot guns and maybe gernades and simliar paraphanliea. it would cool if raiders had acces to these in limted number, the idea that it is easy for the waste land people to find these parts, but duffuclt enough the where it would refelect the devastavtion the the great war caused and it effect an being able to find these parts. the fuel could be some mix of turpantine and a few animal posion, hopefully balance it so you simply cant just ride around the wasteland. As there is no longer abunded gas staions so u gotta make your own and keep an eye you how much gas you got. so share any thoughts or ideas