For the Khajiit

Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 9:18 pm

Mentioned it in another thread, but never really got anyones opinion on it. Kind of curious about it though, because it's kinda bugging me!

Skyrim is the first Elder Scrolls game I decided to make a Khajiit. Seeing the racial ability to see in the dark, it seemed like a no-brainer for my thief. Having used it for the first time, I noticed it deactivated itself after 60 seconds! Was kind of depressing.

Continuing through my first Khajiit experience, I found myself robbing a house. I was scanning a table, night-eye enabled, and it flicked off! Slightly annoying. Easy enough to hit the button to reactivate it, but it still kind of irked me. Next experience was mid-battle. I was fighting some bandits, dead of night, complete darkness (I try not to crank up brightness because I like the shadows, I like the fact shadows can hid things), I notch an arrow, take aim, vision goes! D'oh!

Now, to me it seems an inherit ability to see in the dark isn't something that just stops suddenly. Am I wrong? I just think something like this should be something you activate and deactivate, not activate... and shortly after it suddenly shuts off by itself. Actually I wouldn't be nearly as bothered by it if I could just hit the button again without it deactivating and reactivating.

So, to get a consensus on the issue, decided to make this poll. Poll away!

Also, just for my PC gamer buddies, I'm no-longer exploring the wonderful world of Tamriel via PC. No mod fixes for this kitty. But, are there mods for it? Anything elaborate?

Feel free to share your experiences, opinions or thoughts as well! I'd love to hear 'em!
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 11:44 am

I think it should be an ability, but it should also automatically activate when you go into a dark enough area, because seriously, can a cat just stop being able to see well in the dark in real life? Well, we'll never know that, but I don't think it can. Since it doesn't make you more powerful or drastically give you an advantage in combat, other than being able to see in the dark, it isn't really overpowered. It's still not that hard to re-activate though.
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Nathan Hunter
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 3:07 pm

Yeah, that always bugged me in the other games. Feline animals have special reflective eyes that make them naturally see more at night; A spell is kind of silly. It was the worst in Oblivion when I was constantly hopping off my horse just to reactivate it. Also when I was trying to hide and it drew attention to myself.
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 3:16 pm

As a spell, it's annoying having to recast it all the time.

If it's on all the time... No.

Solution: Turn it into a toggle. There was a mod for Oblivion that did just that. If you really wanted it on all the time, then you'd just turn it on and leave it on. If you wanted/needed it off, you'd just turn it off.

Edit: Didn't read the full first post. My bad. But it should be a toggle.
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Kayla Oatney
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 7:09 pm

I think it should be an ability, but it should also automatically activate when you go into a dark enough area, because seriously, can a cat just stop being able to see well in the dark in real life? Well, we'll never know that, but I don't think it can. Since it doesn't make you more powerful or drastically give you an advantage in combat, other than being able to see in the dark, it isn't really overpowered. It's still not that hard to re-activate though.

Good point, I wouldn't mind that at all! Would certainly help me really get into the character of the night-loving cat!

Completely agree that it's simple to re-activate. I'm glad they gave us console gamers a button for racial abilities! But I'd like to reiterate that I wouldn't even be that bothered by it if I could just re-cast it without having it being interrupted visually.
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