God this is such a tired argument.
I have a level 53 pure mage, and I've gotten all my magic skills maxed out, and I have to say that Destruction is NOT broken. It's just that as a mage you are expected to use multiple spells from multiple schools to get your job done, whereas if you focus on 1H or 2H and just walk up to stuff and wipe it out. But what do you expect? If you are focusing on 2H and don't have any other skills (or possibly just archery - 1 other skiill) that can kill things, of course it has to be really powerful. If you are a mage and using Destruction as your only means of defeating enemies, then you are simply stupid. This doesn't mean that there aren't PLENTY of weaker enemies that you don't have to cast on multiple times. It's ONLY the tough ones that you really have to cast your protection spell, summon something to take the hits, maybe cast some illusions if you want (I rarely do) and then use your destruction magic to do the bulk of the damage.
I think people are thinking that since 2H allows them to just walk up and kill stuff in 3 seconds, they should be able to do the same with destruction, which is just dumb. A Mage has a much wider repertoire of abilities and options that can kill their foes, and they are expected to utilize them. A 2H specialist has one option: swing your big sword at it. Or two, if they are also an Archer.
And besides, people are talking about how destruction is so weak when you max it out. That's, um, laughable, if you are using the Destruction Master spells. And if anyone is whining about magic not being powerful enough on the higher difficulties, then you really have to ask yourself why are you playing on the higher difficulties?
How ridiculously boring would the game be if once you maxed out Destruction you just blasted everything in 1 second, like Oblivion? There wouldn't be any need to use any of your other spells at that point....
Bottom line, if you think that Destruction is broken because you can't one-shot Dragons and Draugr Deathlords at level 50, then you should seriously consider the possibility that your playstyle is broken, not Destruction.
I have a level 53 pure mage, and I've gotten all my magic skills maxed out, and I have to say that Destruction is NOT broken. It's just that as a mage you are expected to use multiple spells from multiple schools to get your job done, whereas if you focus on 1H or 2H and just walk up to stuff and wipe it out. But what do you expect? If you are focusing on 2H and don't have any other skills (or possibly just archery - 1 other skiill) that can kill things, of course it has to be really powerful. If you are a mage and using Destruction as your only means of defeating enemies, then you are simply stupid. This doesn't mean that there aren't PLENTY of weaker enemies that you don't have to cast on multiple times. It's ONLY the tough ones that you really have to cast your protection spell, summon something to take the hits, maybe cast some illusions if you want (I rarely do) and then use your destruction magic to do the bulk of the damage.
I think people are thinking that since 2H allows them to just walk up and kill stuff in 3 seconds, they should be able to do the same with destruction, which is just dumb. A Mage has a much wider repertoire of abilities and options that can kill their foes, and they are expected to utilize them. A 2H specialist has one option: swing your big sword at it. Or two, if they are also an Archer.
And besides, people are talking about how destruction is so weak when you max it out. That's, um, laughable, if you are using the Destruction Master spells. And if anyone is whining about magic not being powerful enough on the higher difficulties, then you really have to ask yourself why are you playing on the higher difficulties?
How ridiculously boring would the game be if once you maxed out Destruction you just blasted everything in 1 second, like Oblivion? There wouldn't be any need to use any of your other spells at that point....
Bottom line, if you think that Destruction is broken because you can't one-shot Dragons and Draugr Deathlords at level 50, then you should seriously consider the possibility that your playstyle is broken, not Destruction.
You are trying too hard. Of course people at your level will use all kind of magic to defeat enemies, because they have to. People are NOT complain because melee deals more damage. What concern people is that, as a damage dealer, conjur outclass destruction in later level. I have a lv47 mage playing on master difficulty, I feel more like a summoner than a pure-mage. Destruction is only good with impact perk to stun lock my foes.
People want to play or role play the way they want, destruction not dealing enough damage is taking a chunk of option away from those magic lover. You don't have to agree with all the complains, but they do have a point.