» Wed Dec 07, 2011 9:08 am
Well best I can figure right now I reckon it's a LOD gen problem. Durring one of the 100% lag spikes, a row of corn, YES A WHOLE ROW OF CORN. LMAO apeared coming out of the Hangar door at a 45 degree angle headed toward the sky. This could be the problem, from those corn rows refrences being set to visable when distant (an such settings) or it could just be another symtom. Once the corn rendered the lag stopped, but I didn't look into the issue anymore at this time.
Yah I had already figured sound, but it can play 32 sounds at one time, didn't see enough going on soundwise in Nellis for it to be an issue. Then the somewhat same issue being around the little valley just past Nipton where there isn't much sound just cause they are so alike I figured LOD or NPC navmesh pathing or AI combat being the root issue over sound. Then it seemed like streaming Pandora while playing went smoother than doing that in FO3.
It should be noted though that after I had finished the quest that turns back on the power to the Nellis base, it seemed like the Major FPS grapical lag CPU spike wasn't happening. So it could be as simple as a conflict between a gamemode scipt running in that area or triggers that conflict with LOD, or even a conflict between the LOD content (meshes & TGA's) Right now the prime suspect though is going to be the corn, just cause it got rendered 100 feet away from it's location at a 45 degree angle. It could just be the Optimization on that corn row mesh, also it could be Havok related from there being so many issue of stuff falling thru the floor.
While I don't really know what is causing it right now, and I'm not even looking into it. I do know how I deal with it which is much like what was said above.
1. I use bPreemptivlyUnloadUnused an bSelectivePurgeOnFastTravel as a way to purge the cell buffer. Effectivly it's the same as re-booting FNV, but without the wait, I either go inside or fast travel away.
2. Press Esc, load, put the mouse in the upper right, then Ctrl Alt Del, set fallout's priority to high, close that, mouse up to upper right an press Alt tab to go back in the game
3. Wait it out, often times when we think the game just freezed its actualy still working, wait till it catches up
4. Walk more, run less
5. Look for the root cause