Anyone else restrict themselves from using Smithing and Ench

Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 1:18 pm

So 4 pages in and you guys are well on your way to being the equivalent to CoD fans who complained about quick-scoping and the One Man army perk. This is a single player experience. If someone wants to pursue the powers of a god, then he should be entitled to it. This game is built on the premise that you can be who you want to be. If X person is finding enjoyment in doing Y activity and it doesn't directly affect your experience (like online multi-player), then you have no moral right to lash your irrational and elitist views at them.

Play the game how you want to play and stop trying to claim everything you don't like is an exploit.
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Charlotte Buckley
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 5:10 pm

lol you said it a minute before I did, well; just goes to show how easy it is to figure out. There shouldn't be "fortify enchantment" potions imo.

Imho they should stay but the % increases should be capped. I think 100 enchanting +100 smithing should give you a noticeable boost but not nearly the level it is possible now. I am not sure what exactly numbers should be but from melee/archery perspective playing on master difficulty pretty much requires you to have enchanted/improved gear ( otherwise you do no damage and most things 1 shot you) , but I think probably +50% skill increase/resist from all sources as a cap is still good enough. Smithing should be limited in similar manner .

All in all it probably can only be addressed in comprehensive mod as there are too many things to change, right now its best to self restrain from using OP setups if you dont want game be trivialized
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laila hassan
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 7:06 pm

I really abused Smithing on my current(1st) playthrough so I'll definitely go easier on it on my next few.
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Chris Jones
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 7:07 pm

I restrict myself from abusing the smithing and enchanting.

I only smith with what I find, and disenchant/enchant as needed; don't purchase items to power-level those skills faster than casual progression through game.

This is exactly what I do. I don't power-level any skills because A) it's boring and B) it can break the game balance and/or fun.
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Makenna Nomad
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 7:27 pm

I restrict myself from abusing the smithing and enchanting.

I only smith with what I find, and disenchant/enchant as needed; don't purchase items to power-level those skills faster than casual progression through game.

This is exactly what I do. I don't power-level any skills because A ) it's boring and B ) it can break the game balance and/or fun.
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Rebecca Dosch
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 3:59 pm

Basically the things which break game are +% enchants. The complete cheeze is enchanting while under influence of + enchant potions (which in turn are created using +% alchemy gear) .You can become invincible god if using that setup . Now take of all that fancy +%,resist gear and see how it goes? -not so great ehh?

Normally enchanted equipment is 20% Magic resist. Potion boosted is 23%. It is not that much of a difference, and they have a hard cap of 85% magic resist anyway.

Smithing is however very much boosted by both enchanting and potions, in particular with regards to weapon damage, as armor effectiveness is also capped at a low 670 ish.
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Zosia Cetnar
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 2:11 pm

I say good on you OP! Works great when you roleplay the reasons.

I have 5 characters I'm running concurrently. Even before reading about all of imbalances with smithing and enchanting I had decided only one character was going to do smithing and another do enchanting. The other 3 aren't even going to touch them.

Since reading about these skills, I have decided that I will not improve my weapons nor armor on my smith but still will allow him to make basic gear. He's a Nord warrior who never uses, "tricky elvish magic" gear (not even rings or amulets) but I'll just pretend the grindstones don't exist.

My enchanter was going to be my pure mage. With so much focus on the 5 magic schools he won't be able to perk in to it at all anyways. He has a few staves laying that I never use and I might make some itms with enchanting later but minus the crazy perks.
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Elena Alina
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 4:25 pm

Nope. I go for max DPS possible. I wish there was a difficulty higher than master though.
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 10:10 am

I have restricted myself in the sense that I dont do all 3 crafting skills on one character, and I don't overlap the abilities (example would be using potion to increase smithing to make more powerful weapon).
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 6:03 pm

He's a Nord warrior who never uses, "tricky elvish magic" gear (not even rings or amulets) but I'll just pretend the grindstones don't exist.

Grindstones and workbenches are perfectly balanced and within character if you do not artificially boost smithing via tricky elvish magic gear or foul witchy brews (potions).
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Crystal Clarke
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 11:21 pm

Grindstones and workbenches are perfectly balanced and within character if you do not artificially boost smithing via tricky elvish magic gear or foul witchy brews (potions).

Yes I feel this is true. I am a level 37 dagger assassin and my blacksmithing is 100. I sharpened my glass dagger to have the legendary improvement. No real enchantment because enchantments don't get multiplied in a sneak attack.

There are already some enemies that I cannot 1-shot.
As a dagger specialist, I must 1 shot powerful enemies, or I will die. Elder dragons are a scare.
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Rachael Williams
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 11:26 am

Yes, I am doing this on my latest character. Reason being, with stuff like smithing and enchanting, the entire point of going into dungeons in hopes of finding sweet loot is made null and void - the only use in dungeon-found loot, when you have your dragonplate legendary enchanted, is to sell it off to vendors. There's not a hint of possibility of "oh, cool, I'll use this new piece now". Skipping over smithing an enchanting fixes that.
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Ana Torrecilla Cabeza
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 9:46 pm

no offense but you are horribly wrong here:


many unique armors. you sir either have a different thinking than me of the word UNIQUE or you just dont know how bad skyrim is in this department.... there is like only THREE really unique armors (and only one of them is a full set) AT ALL in the entire game. the rest is just randomly entchantet standard crap which i dont see as UNIQUE.

so many cool quests out there which all lead to some "legendary" weapons and the dungeons and storys for them are awesome but then when you finally find the weapon you are disappointed and guess whyt? THEY ALL LOOK LIKE AN NORMAL ANCIENT NORD SWORD and just have some standart entchants on them its just stupid and lazyness on beths part using the same mesh over and over. same with the priests masks. just a very minor COLOR changes. its just disappointing at all.... they really screwed this one up in terms of loot.

Agreed, the loot in this game is very ordinary. Thats why people craft epic gear, but id much prefer to find it after killing bosses and clearing dungeons. The game needs a serious loot overhaul and hopefully a mod will fix this
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u gone see
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 8:49 am

Crafting and specially enchanting even without exploits is almost like playing with godmode enabled i refrain from using it and i only use armor/weapons i find/buy.
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lillian luna
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 4:17 pm

I have not had an issue with smithing being overpowered. I understand you CAN make it overpowerd but you can do that with anything. I recently fashioned myself a completely upgraded dwenmer setup and I am now trashing some spirggans that gave me so much trouble.
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Kelli Wolfe
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 7:01 pm

If smithing and enchanting are OP'd... you have only yourselves to blame for abusing them.

Neither are my highest skills at the moment. Destruction and Blade are. Why? I don't grind my crafting skills to nubbins because I have self-control.

It's like playing Major Is Minor in Morrowind or Oblivion, getting the max +5 attribute boost at level-up, and then complaining when you roflstomp everything because you're so overpowered.

And then in Skyrim, they remove that and then people complain that they gutted the level system!

:facepalm: :banghead:

I'm not OP'd on enchanted stuff. In fact, I'm really wanting to get more powerful enchants because my regenerate magicka enchants aren't really cutting it on my armors.
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lucile davignon
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 11:52 am

It svcks about the looting system not being the way to get the best gear. I love earning my gear my going it into random caves and finding a new set/piece of armor that is just awesome. I like fighting hard bosses and get a piece/set of armor from them that is worthy. I wish there were lots of different armors in the game and even random generated ones that are unique. I wish there were more armor and weapons that were obtainable from quests, exploring and fighting bosses it just makes that unknown exhibition of going out and entering a random cave and either finding an aweome piece of gear or maybe an awesome boss that has awesome gear for you to take once you defeat him. I just like obtaining my armor from exploration and earning it. Smithing my armor isn't nearly as fun. Just go to the forge, click make, done. I want to explore the beauty of the games caves, dungeons and areas in the hopes of encountering some special weapon or gear, or at least an awesome boss who will leave me something good on his corpse.

I just love finding awesome things or defeating something to earn my reward. Hopefully they have DLC with more armor with different unique abilities and you can obtain them from quests/exploration/fighting powerful bosses.
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 7:32 am

WOW, this is why games are getting so dumbed down, a monkey could do enchanting in this game.. LOL. Sad.

What an [censored] thing to say to someone. Grow up.
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