» Wed Dec 07, 2011 11:07 am
I like the Dwemer, but I don't think they should 'return' for this game, or its expansions. I'm still mad at them for finding out what they did to the majestic Snow Elves, plus I like the mystery surrounding them. Granted, I think it'd be neat if there was a rogue Dwemer who didn't disappear due to being on some other plane of existence, like Yagrum Bagruz was (minus the Corpus) who is sitting in the deepest chamber of an old Dwemer ruin, out in some obscure place without any quests associated with him, just pondering what the heck happened and where everyone went. I think that'd be an interesting surprise to intrepid explorers, and would hearken back a little to Morrowind. Never knew what you might find.
I think a 'Rise of the Falmer' DLC might be more likely, as alluded to in some of the literature. Still, a horde of underdeveloped, blind, goblin-like creatures in chitin armor, without much more than basic intelligence, doesn't seem like that fearsome a threat, no matter how many of them there might be. Unless there's more to them than we thought?
Lastly, please no Daedra-themed expansions or content for awhile. I like the Daedra, sure, but I had more than enough of them in Oblivion, and would prefer that we didn't visit any new Daedric realms for awhile.