Etta is different. Etta is an intentional exploration of the "dark side," and I'm not doing it for fun. I seriously doubt that I will post Etta's story in full on this forum, because it's based upon things that are a little too "true" for here. There are places in the real world where it is profoundly dangerous and nearly hopeless just to be born female, and Etta is my imagined tour through the mind of a person who has "been there." I believe that the DB and SI quest lines provide a basic structure on which to play out Etta's inner struggle, and a way for her to come out a survivor in the end.
The question is whether I can stand the trip.

Edited For Accuracy and Clarity.
What you say is a very interesting approach to the idea of character creation, it's good to think a little deeper - without intending to draw parallels with someone I have never met - it's a similar idea as to why I am RP-ing Niamh. I want to explore what a character like her would be like, thinking about her backstory and so forth, and her motivations on a rather more intensive level than previously. Being a man I make no claims to "knowing what women are like or what they go through" - it's just a different mind for me to inhabit, and because it's dull to roleplay yourself - (I think).
Also I've always tended to play pretty neutral or "good" characters so it's interesting to get into the mindset of a character who is much more Chaotically aligned as it were, and see where we get to from there. Niamh is very much my Elric - she's appeared in pretty much every RPG I've ever played, in one form or another - this time she's darker though and definitely more intense than ever before.
It'll make for an interesting trip.