Crazy stories there, OP, Acadian and mirocu. I really can't choose jsut one most immersive moment myself, there's been so many. :shrug:
there's a couple I can think of.
Dyan phor a'Cauz my red-headed paladin was off to Chorrol to deliver the Amulet. She was a brand-new character at that point, and encountered the highwaykhajit who dwells at that fort (forget the name) in between the IC and Chorrol.
The thing is, I was missing the combat of Renee Gade II's game. RG2 had recently died at Umaril's hand, and Dyan was my 2nd try at KotN
Anyways, Dyan refuses to pay the highwaykhajit, and combat ensued. Dyan wasn't very good back then, and to save herself, she ran up to the top of the fort. The highwaykhajiit followed.
she made some sort of jump from one column-top to the next (I think) as the highwaykhajit started swinging his weapon. As she made this jump, the highwaykhajit made an error and stepped too far forward. He fell 3 stories to his death! :lmao: :rock:
it was at that moment I think I was really, fully immersed. I'm not psychic, but I got a sense that Dyan's game would be different from RG2. Even though Dyan would eventually follow the same questlines (FG and KotN) as RG2, i knew it would somehow be much different from Renee's game.
Dyan delivered the Amulet, made her historic journey from Chorrol to Anvil, travelling thru the Great Forest and Gold Coast on Prior Marobel's horse. This paint horse lasted well into Dyan's game, too.
The second moment (actually moments..) of deep immersion was near the "end" of Dyan's saga. She met up with the Jemane brothers in Chorrol, who wished she would do something about those ogres at Weatherleah. Dyan took care of these ogres, but refused to take the brothers home.

She led them thru much dungeon diving, which was awesomely fun.
Having an actual adventuring
party really spiced up her game (which I had left dormant for jeez...something like 4 or 5 months) and I was HOOKED for several more weeks.
At some point, Dyan lost the Jemanes, and couldn't remember where. Before she lost them, Guilbert had
taken the Crusader's Sword :facepalm: The way this worked in RP terms, it almost felt like he
stole the sword. What really happened was his previous weapon had broken. Since Dyan had thrown the Sword down before dungeon-diving at some fort, Guilbert merely piekced it up.
After killing Umaril and returning the Knights home to their Priory, Dyan went off looking for the brothers. She planned to go to Weatherleah, maybe they ahd returned there?
But no, she found them at Shardrock Farm. After finding them, Guilbert still had the Sword.
That's where Dyan's story ended. I have no idea if she had to take the sword back by force, or somehow got it back peacefully? No idea. And that's okay, I like the way her story ended.