» Wed Dec 07, 2011 3:00 pm
Also of note: SAVE before. You can screw it pretty hard. Sometimes you'll notice the face changes slightly when you open the race menu. Reload a save and try again. Be sure to be in a place with proper lightning. And unless you've got a fix installed (which is pretty much mandatory) DO NOT CONTRACT VAMPIRISM.
Getting a proper face in Oblivion is a nightmare. I'm usually only satisfied after many, many sessions of "showracemenu" commands, importing the damn face on a .esp with Wrye Bash, editing it in the CS (more freedom), importing it back into a save, "showracemenu" again, save, back to the CS, back to save, copy/paste the facegen codes into a custom race's default values with TES4Edit, reseting the face, edit over the editing, getting a modified head mesh, start the damn thing again from scratch... and end up with a character who seems to have been beaten to death with the ugly stick. Then I start it over... :brokencomputer:
...oh, you get the picture. :sadvaultboy: