Does this mean I have to reinstall it, and delete everything? I guess I can use console commands to get my stuff/level back though it will be tedious. Long story short I wanted the pipboy nightvision mod so having a cyborg character would simply feel more in character. Simple enough right? Just a tiny little cosmetic mod can't be that complicated. So it must be my nubbishness to using mods. I then read that installing Fallout in Program Files causes all kinds of problems with mods. It also doesn't seem to remember my screenshots though everything else works fine is that why?
^ An example of everything screwing up for me in 5 screenshots. Anyways I just want the bad news to be clarified. Do I have to delete everything from scratch, and use the console to get everything back? Was it installing it in program files or was it nubishness to using 7zip? I've watched the youtube videos and 7zip/winrar seem to be the only things I can't make work. Which of course means no working mods.