may the next person who posts a opinion i hope its actually someone with closer ties to bethesda
So unless we like Bethesda.. you will report us? :confused: If so good luck with that.
As for chess.. I would be interested in seeing it in Fallout. We can play chess with a scorpion in Fallout 2 (we don't play the game as in move the pieces, it just goes you win/lose based on how smart you are) and Fallout 3 and New Vegas have chess boards and they often have piece on them, made up of mini gnomes and shot glasses. So to be able to play (as in move the pieces) some NPC in Chess would be fun. To play NPC with sets made up of shot glasses and other junk to someone with a pre-war set fully intact.
Checkers could be nuka-cola caps on one side and Sunset (or other type of sode) cap on the other.
I would like to be able to collect chess pieces. Not as a quest but to just have all the pieces out there somewhere, to be found. Same with all the balls needed for a game of pool.