» Thu Dec 08, 2011 1:48 am
Whats bethesdas new motto? If it aint broke..change it entirely??
I started this game as a pure mage, (always have been) and I must say after reading many of these posts talking about how the destruction has been broken I didnt want to believe it, I had thought it was just an exaggeration.
so i continued playing, and I must say for the first 30 or 35 levels of the game I had a blast, the destruction spells were bread and butter...than lvl 40 came.. and it slowly started to decline, becoming a nusance to fight.. It would take anywhere from 10 to 20 fireballs (or either other school of magic) to take someone down.. multiply that by fighting multiple enemies at once, and cant forget the fact that to benefit you need to wear robes for the most part so no defense.. now this was bearable but starting to get annoying..
...lvls 45-50 came around.. absolutely svcked. I quit playing and remade a new character.