Misc. Quests:
"Go to Hrolti and tell him about Angmar."
Who is Hrolti? Who is Angmar? Where do they live? Where did I get this quest? Whats it about?
The quest log is the absolute sheer minimum of what it can be.
I thought after all the negative critique on Oblivions summier quest log they would go for something better, but no.
It really is one of those little things that hinder the enjoyment of the game.
I do not understand how it can be that Morrowind had such a good and useful inventory and quest log, thats ten years ago and since then it only gets less and worse?
I just dont get that.
Exactly, your example is even a good one because you actually have the name or the person in the quest entry. There are quests that have no information at all, which just annoys me.
If anyone in here played The Witcher 2 you know what I'm talking about. Now THAT"S an example of a beautiful journal, every entry is added with so much information that I ended up reading them several times just to get in the mood for the quest.
I think Morrowind was much better because at that time consoles were not that important so the entire game was made with the PC in mind. Nowadays it's all about the consoles, which isn`t a bad thing, just as long as they create the games with everything in mind.