Is cooking really that useless?

Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 7:13 pm

I can see a mod that removes the auto health regen, and requiring food for the same effect, leaving potions for instant combat boots.

That would be both somewhat more realistic and makes cooking useful.
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Lil Miss
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 1:33 am

Elsweyr Fondue is pretty good:
* Regenerate Magicka, 25 pts for 720 secs
* Fortify Magicka, 100 pts for 720 secs
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Elea Rossi
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 9:30 pm

Let me correct this statement so it sounds like it is coming from someone who actually knows what "rpg" means:

"None of my characters are interested in cooking", or "I don't RP my characters that much".

This is, like I said, an RPG. It's not YOUR desires that matte in making a choice when role-playing, it's your character's desires that matter. This is an RPG, not hack-and-slash game.

Okee, well I'll rephrase my thought so I may qualify as a rpg'er: "My Breton ranger is too busy to eat. There are dragons on the prowl, and the last time he was at the "Bee and Barb' in Riften the fare was too bland and offered no appreciable benefit"
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Alexx Peace
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 2:08 pm

The 3 or 4 nicest items are a great help, but about 95% of it is crap that heals 5 health and you have to carry 40 of for it to be helpful. At which point 2 or 3 potions does the same trick...
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Red Sauce
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 11:30 pm

Okee, well I'll rephrase my thought so I may qualify as a rpg'er: "My Breton ranger is too busy to eat. There are dragons on the prowl, and the last time he was at the "Bee and Barb' in Riften the fare was too bland and offered no appreciable benefit"


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Nick Tyler
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 12:05 am

It's pretty useless yeah, only 2 of the stews are useful if you ask me, the one that's 1hp every second for 720 seconds, though it's not needed, more of a quality of life thing, and the one that gives you back 15 stamina & 10 health, simply because it's incredibly easy to make.

Should've been higher end food tbh, like Dragon steaks and such.

I smiled at Dragon steak. But really, wouldn't that be SWEET?!
Git your ass back here, Dragon! Imma eat chu! >:3 Rawr.
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Josee Leach
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 8:13 pm

Veggie Stew and Venison Stew are both subject to a bug that lets you do power attacks essentially as often as you like. You only need one stamina to do a power attack or a shield bash, meaning that with a single Stew you can either bash an enemy into a wall forever, or power attack them till they die to death.

Even without that, however, they can be quite decent. An extra health per second is better than a potion of regeneration until near the end of the game, and i believe they can also stack.

this...seems godlike :ahhh:
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Tracy Byworth
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 2:32 pm

I thought the veggie soup would be easy to make but the leeks in game are far more rare then the other three things.
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stacy hamilton
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 11:37 pm

Now I like rpg's as much or more as the next guy, but I'm not interested in cooking/eating until they buff it up more. They did such a great job of modeling the food, I feel they need to compliment that with better, more sustained effects.

IMO they should be scaled on percentages. Like certain foods boost your stamina, health or magika regen by a % of their 100% natural regen. Also some that boost your resistance to diseases or whatever... maybe even some that only take effect when you wake up after at least 6 hours of sleep?

Make it so that the effects are small, cant be multiplied, and last for about 6 to 8 in game hours. That way you eat in the morning, stop for a lunch, and have dinner in-game for a reason other than RP. It always weirds me out in games so visceral that there is no downside for your character not sleeping or eating. Like, there are off chances of wild animals infecting you with diseases that stiffen your joints, and you can get sick. On the other side of the spectrum staying up for months on end without a single meal or drink entering your body does..... nothing. People don't even make note of it.

IMO your weight that you choose on the character menu shouldn't be a one time choice... it should go up and down depending on how much you eat. 1 to 3 meals a day keeps the weight in the same area, any multiple skipped days lowers the weight class 1 tick and any multiple days of more than 3 meals upps the weight class.
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Alex Vincent
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 9:34 pm

Food was useful early on when my hitpoints were minimal, you could fill up your health bar by eating a few items but quickly my needs outgrew any food I could find and cook. I loved cooking early on but quickly out grew it and turned to alchemy.

A really simple solution to make food a lot more useful would be if you don't eat every 8 hours your regeneration stops on health and stamina and magicka regen rates get nerfed. Well fed/well rested perks should buff all this stuff out giving players incentive to rest and eat. If I saw my health bar not regenerating I'd freak out and eat something, and then hunting would have more glory.

That is more of a hardcoe mode-concept, but sounds reasonable. I am surprised they did not make recipes to make better food items or even enhance currently known recipes, as this would have made food a lot more better, though hopefully not enough to outpace alchemy as food is not a skill.
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Sara Lee
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 10:56 am

When a mod is available that causes health and endurance damage if you don't eat cooking will be great. Waiting for the mod.
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 8:15 pm

It is very useless where stat boost is concerned. But they made food actually look tasty this time. It's fun cooking ingame when you are hungry irl.

aside from the cooking pot. Looks like someone took a runny duke in the pot
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maria Dwyer
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 10:28 pm

Story of Bethesda's life: damned if you do, damned if you don't.

Roleplayers: We want more immersion! More elements to flesh out our characters and give the world a real feel!

Other players: That's fine, so long as it doesn't impact my character and it's not forced on me.

Bethesda: Try cooking! The ingredients can be found, stolen or bought, you can create a few dozen combinations, and it's not necessary to play the game!

Everyone: cooking is lame.


Hey I don't think it's lame! It's one of the features I actually like. My character really loves a good chicken briast, I was happy when I found some yesterday. But gotta watch out for that cheese that's been sitting around the dungeons, I leave that telling how stale it is! Also that Salmon in my bag probably gets a bit old but I only let immersion get so far.
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 1:14 am

If they would heal one as a potion could...Than it would have a purpose.Right now it's only eye candy I think XD

Sometimes,one thing doesn't have to have an advantage/disadvantage.Meals just being an alternative to alchemy (healing,strength enhancing,etc.) would be much better than it currently is.
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Lyndsey Bird
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 10:13 pm

I make the foods that give both health and stamina in lump sums as well as the stews that effectively increase regen for several minutes.
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Trista Jim
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 12:32 pm

As a mage the Elsweyr Fondue is amazing, 100 magicka for 720 seconds and magicka regen can't be beat. It requires moonsugar, ale, and a rare cheese which is pretty cool. If they had a hardcoe mode with hunger food could be pretty fun. Instead of hauling around like 50 raw ingredients that decrease your hunger by a fraction, you could carry around 5 or so cooked meals and eat one a day. That would make meals great for saving backpack space.

Another neat idea would be if each meal gave a bonus that lasted one whole day. You could only have one meal effect at a time, with your last eaten meal in taking over. For instance eating a rare beef stew might increase your hp by 10-15 for the day, or add 5-10% to the damage of your attacks or the potency of your spells. And raw ingredients would simply decrease your hunger, but not change your meal bonus.
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kevin ball
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 2:08 pm

generally food is a last resort in battle if I'm out of health potions. which seems to happen alot lol
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 5:39 pm

It's a great role playing feature and it gives some okay stats I guess. Overall I do like it but it was never fully explored.

I think the best thing is that any modder could add in some stuff to make it really great and worthwhile. The base stuff is already there, it just needs some improvements and/or some more complicated recipes.
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 12:52 pm

Food gives characters that have an aversion to magic a chance to heal quicker without usign potions and spells,

No it doesn't at all, food is just too useless to do that. The player needs potions and spells.

Now I like rpg's as much or more as the next guy, but I'm not interested in cooking/eating until they buff it up more. They did such a great job of modeling the food, I feel they need to compliment that with better, more sustained effects.

Exactly, food is a waste of time and inventory space until you actually get something from eating it.

Let me correct this statement so it sounds like it is coming from someone who actually knows what "rpg" means:

"None of my characters are interested in cooking", or "I don't RP my characters that much".

This is, like I said, an RPG. It's not YOUR desires that matte in making a choice when role-playing, it's your character's desires that matter. This is an RPG, not hack-and-slash game.

This is an open world hack and slash rpg. Have you not noticed that in dungeons this game is primary hack and slash?

Anyway, what do you mean about "it's not MY desire that matters but my characters desire"? When my character is low on health both me and him (I assume) desire that health to be filled up, neither of us desire food because it doesn't help, therefore we are left with magic and alchemy.

Unless of course you mean pretending that your character is hungry for some reason then, I'll leave you to that one :)

I wish there was a hardcoe mode where you had to eat. It'd make it much more useful and immersive.

It would give food a use at least, I'm all for it.

Holy hell.

Look, I know I'm probably throwing an argument-bomb here and I'm not looking to insult anybody, but is it really that interesting to role play this sort of minutia? I like the food stuff lying around as props, and I sometimes cook some of the stuff that gives you benefits that last for five minutes or so, but I can't imagine role-playing these trivial aspects. Sure, I have a character, and there's a concept to him, and a general sort of psychology. He isn't going around stealing and murdering people for their shoes. That large stuff is interesting enough to actually connect to a concept of the character...but food? Taking the time to stop and eat two or three meals a day, and so forth? Verisimilitude is great, but there's a limit. Gathering food and cooking dishes when the in-game effects are trivially small just for the sake of role-playing the details...well, when you're out in the wilderness, do you find a bush every couple hours so that you can role-play relieving yourself? Or, rather, role-play your character relieving himself?

I mean, you could go a lot further. The nights in Skyrim are unrealistically bright; in real life if you wander around in the middle of the night out in the middle of nowhere, you fall over and hurt yourself. Do you run around with a lit torch at night?

I'm not altogether averse to role-playing the larger aspects of the game; the Dead Is Dead idea is an interesting concept, although I certainly won't be even considering giving that a shot until I've beaten the game at least once. But still, I can understand such a concept. I even hoped, before the game came out, that they would make the menu system (except for the actual system menu) not freeze time, so that if you wanted to stop and consult a book or root through your inventory in the wild, it would behoove you to find a secure spot to do so, somewhere you wouldn't have a wandering wolf or troll surprise you while your attention was diverted. It would give the world a real, tangible sense of realism. It would mean that while you could pause the game to save or reload or even go pee or get a Coke, you couldn't pause to root through your stuff to find a healing potion in the middle of battle, or change out of those magic leather sneak boots into your steel srs bsnss boots once the battle started. Verisimilitude in the important things is a good thing.

But an interest in cooking? Really? Doesn't that get a trifle tedious when there are bandit strongholds to be raided, giant cave-bears to be hunted, and dragons to be slain? Why try for verisimilitude in the boring things? Eating in real life is awesome; eating in Skyrim loses the good part and leaves you with nothing but the expense and the time expended. It's like having to drop six bucks and five minutes to "make" a "ham sandwich", and losing the pretend-money and the real-time, but not actually getting to eat the ham sandwich. I'm all for real ham sandwiches; I can do without the virtual ham sandwiches that I still have to spend time making but I don't get to actually taste.

To each his own, I suppose. I'm just waiting for the day when some bright young guy says "You know what we need in a mod? Well, nobody ever washes the furs on their beds in Skyrim. Do that in the real world and you get bedbugs and everything stinks. We need a real laundry-doing simulation aspect for the srs bsnss RPers, you know? And why are there no toilets in Skyrim? What, nobody poops in this magical fairy-land? Really? DURNED BETHESDA!"

I kid. Again, to each his own. Just commenting a bit before firing up the game.

:tops: Exactly.
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Carlos Rojas
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 5:14 pm

It was fine at first but after adding 50-100-150 more health the food you cook does so little, you carry hundreds of pounds of food with you and the first time your health goes low you eat it all and your still not healed, its pretty crappy and not worth the weight.
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krystal sowten
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 2:18 am

I like the idea of cooking in TES, but I don't think they implimented it very well. Some types of food weigh a lot, but the effect the have on your health is nearly negligable. 10 points of health? Yeah, that should keep me going for the next millisecond. I'm not trying to make the point that I think food should give some huge boost to your health so that you're invincible for the next ten hours, but some other status effects would be nice (and I don't mean the + stamina or +mana that some of the soups/stews have). I prefer to have something to do with food that doesn't involve spamming the hell out of it when I'm in a sticky situation.

Personally I miss when you could make potions out of food as well.
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Jesus Sanchez
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 5:25 pm

Since cooking isn't a skill that you level (or even need to worry about), it seems to be exactly as useful as it should be. It's not supposed to provide anyone with a serious advantage, because that's what actual skills (like Alchemy) are for.
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Charles Weber
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 6:14 pm

The buffs could be stronger. They could turn it into WoW where there is a food buff for every skill.
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