» Wed Dec 07, 2011 2:36 pm
Known Bug (from wiki):
A bug can occur during the wedding ceremony at the Temple of Mara. After Maramal pronounces the player and the player's NPC of choice married, the NPC may start walking toward the temple's exit before Maramal is done speaking and player can move. If the NPC leaves the temple before the player can speak to him/her about where they will live, then the NPC will disappear. They will reappear if they are part of a quest, like Ysolda in "A Night to Remember". However, after you say "I do" if you exit the speech and click on your spouse fast enough before he/she walks out the door, he/she will not disappear. If you fail to do so, try going to a bed, sleep for a few days and then head back to the temple. After a couple of days, she will go back to the temple. If she still hasn't shown up, wait about 4 hours and she will eventually pop up. Even if you tell them to move into your house they may or may not actually be there. They will be at their previous house instead. Another way to deal with this is to simply leave and go about your business for a few days, then return to the Temple of Mara. Your spouse should be inside and once you ask them where you want to live, everything will go back to normal.