i've been playing a mage, (hes a level 19 dunmer mage to be exact). last night i decided to start a new toon. i started a khajiit. i want my khajiit to be a traider/theif. this will be my first 'theif' type character i've ever played as. i am super stoked for this and cannot wait to get home to play with her more!
i'm going to mainly focus on sneak, lockpicking, pickpocket and speach. oh and i want to level alchemy, but still debating on whether or not to waste perks in that tree.
my goal with her is to make as much gold as physically possible. i don't think i will bother with any quests, at least not at first. mainly i'll be attaining gold through thievery and trade. i will probably behave myself in town, but anything outside of town is fair game.
i guess i'm just looking for some insight from people who have went down this route before or who just want to help with suggestions to this play type.