Melee's ammo (if you want to cal it that) is unlimited too. "Shocking the hell out of them" can be translated in game as "shiny effects that do pitiful amounts of damage". So in your logic, melee, and magic should be the same, and archers should do more damage. And I think a fireball on the arm would hurt more than a sword in the gut, you obviously have never had a burn wound. Calling magic an unlimited regeneration resource is true, but your words make it seem better than it is. Magic in combat regenerates pathetically slow no matter how much + magic regeneration you have. Further more, saying that it costs money to upgrade weapons is idiotic because you will end up swimming in cash no matter what path you take. And lastly, your health, if you are indeed a mage, is very much NOT unlimited. Its low, real low. If an enemy touches you, you are dead. Now I think that this is the way it probably should be, however, you burn through your "unlimited magic" so fast trying to kill the stronger opponents that unless you start to cheese the AI or break the game with enchanting (which you can do with melee as well mind you) your enemies WILL reach you.
Or you can kill them in 5 seconds with a sword.
this would all be viable , if it was true.
think about melee though is that it is close combat and therefor you are in harms way.
but what you said about the mages just isnt true, my friend plays a mage and she could quickly get the arch mages robes (sience the guilds are like 4 quests each WTF!?) along with many high enchanted trinkets.. now she can heal and flame everything around her to death without even making a dent in her mana
and as soon as she stops casting it almost instantly regenerates, it basicly regenerates faster than she can waste it while being able to kill things while healing herself.
But if they get close they do supr damage right? NOPE, big two handed swords barely hurt her either because melee attacks on the enemies are pretty weak. Not only that but the enemies pathfinding is so pathetic in this game that ranged combat is auto win in it self, any corner/table/rock you come by can instantly make you unable to be harmed by melee enemies at all (most ranged enemies cant aim for crap either though).
Antoher thing, ive had plenty of burn wounds in my life, and i can tell you none of them hurt as much as a knife stab.. and that was on the arm, in your gullet you should be DEAD.. one fireball would realisticly not instantly kill you, hurt you? yes, kill you? right away? no. A sword cleaving over your head or a mace bashing into your skull? youre pretty dead pal, same with an arrow through your heart. I'm not saying magic shouldn't hurt at all it's just strange everyone goes ape because magic doesnt do more damage than actual physical things just because they are used to be the special little snowflake.