Steam handling of this game infuriating!

Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 2:56 am

I for one will not mod for this game nor will I buy any DLC until Bethesda stops this bloated failware fiasco known as "STEAM" from preventing modifying of the .EXE to use larger memory space.

This forcing us to launch Steam every time is a deal breaker for me.
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 8:19 pm

I tried completely re-installing from the disk, disabling my net connection so steam can't do it's updates, and it finishes without actually installing the game launcher or the .EXE.

You literally have to go online with Steam to even get a copy of the the game EXE. Of course when you let Steam download this for you it is the updated version that forces using Steam even when not running from the launcher.

I was fine with launching steam when I actually used the Skyrim launcher, BTW.

I guess I am basing my frustration on the assumption that the 4gig patch is even required for this EXE? Is there any way to check?

But anyway if it isn't capable of taking advantage of 4gig and larger memory spaces, it really does kinda svck the new EXE won't work with the patch for it since Steam is being all intrusive every launch now.

Oh well I guess.
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