Later that evening, a host migration went weird, my gamertag dropped out of the game, but I was still playing. As Aquasomeoneorother. With a completely different loadout (that I've never used!). Grenades weren't exploding, I was seeing 3 of the same player, all kinds of wrong. So dashboarded lest anything terrible happen.
Checking XBL service status this morning though, and at time of writing they've got:
Service Alert
We are aware of the problem and working to resolve the issue. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and thank you for your patience.
Posting for awareness... typical Microsoft, a technically valid piece of information but contextually useless. What problem? What's the issue? Tw@s.
Edit: I wonder if XBL is being attacked... Friend of mine just reminded me that yesterday he logged into his xbox with auto-sign in and connected to XBL as someone else, not even in a game.
Hmm - further digging: