Dropped Item Glithces

Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 4:43 am

I'm hoping to raise some awareness at the forum because I haven't seen anybody else post about it yet. A staple for me and many other TES players was the ability to put items down into your home/camp/cave for decoration and storage, ect.

In Skyrim its possible to drop and move items, but the drag key is nearly unusable (cannot rotate the item, and the "gravity" point is rarely the bottom of the item, so its difficult to place the item,)

On top of that, and more importantly, any dropped item in an interior will wind up on the floor in another part of the room upon reentry, if not disappearing completely. Any item placed in the exterior will end up floating stiff in the air on disappear on coming back to the area.

All in all, this game has run smoothly for me (on the Xbox360,) and due to this being a "minor" bug, more of a lost feature than a loss of gameplay, ive waited till now to post. I'd like to see it patched in the future.
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 9:42 pm

I am with you on this.

Have anyone heard or know anything about this or if it's getting fixed?
I love my current living location and spend loads of time decorating it putting all sorts of items i have aquired all over the place, like my Bee in a Jar, Butterfly in a jar, tried filling up one display case with diamonds, rubys and so on. But when i got back to my home all the stuff was just laying randomly on the floor, everything that i placed on the shelves where laying on the floor also. This is not fun, especially considering how much potential there is to make a nice looking house with all the stuff you find arround.
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