Trinimac was devoured or usurped or murdered by Boethiah. Ok. Trinimac's "leftovers" or carrion become Malacath. During that conversion, the daedra's followers are turned from strong elves into ugly elves... The orcs.
Wasn't Boethiah pretending to be Trinimac in order to get Veloth to lead a group of Aldmer away from the west coast and over into the east? During that journey or in the years that follow, the migrating group finds their own identity as a culture and become the Chimer, the proto-dunmer. But... if they think they're following Trinimac this whole time, and I would assume they're worshiping him all along, shouldn't they have been converted into ugly elves too? Or did the murder occur at the moment that Boethiah pretended to be Trinimac and thus the Orc conversion happened before the Chimer even began listening to the false Trinimac?
Confused! I think I'm reading the TES Wiki wrong. Can anyone help?