During an INFOGENERAL dialogue between two NPCs, I need to call a function on the target NPC of the dialogue. I.e. NPC A starts a conversation with NPC B. In the Result Script of a topic in the Conversation Tab, Can I do something like "Call "?
I know that I can do: "Call this", to pass NPC A as a parameter of ".
Another Conversation tab question... Will NPCs use Conversations without audio files? I.e.: they use Topcis without audio files when in conversation with the Player. Will they use Conversations without audio files when in conversation with another NPC?
It sounds weird that I would want this because in-game, you wouldn't hear this particular conversation between NPCs at all. But hearing the conversation is not important.
What I actually need it for is for NPCs who has / know something (e.g. an invisible token in their inventory as a flag that my quest can check for) to pass it on to other NPCs during conversations. Then those NPCs pass it on to others. Doing it this way saves me from coding a loop in GameMode to check which NPCs are in conversation.