I broke SKYRIM :(

Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 8:38 am


To all MMOplayers, DO NOT grind quests, do not rush gear smithing, or you' ll break the game.

I finished main quest, legion, companion, thieves, magic university, and dark brother hood. I'm 100 in smithing, and I'm now full daedric @level 38

Now the only way for me to level up is to spend the rest of my skyrim life opening safes, spamming fire bolts and heal to improve talents I dont really need.

Most of quests remaining now seem to bo random radiant ones.

And now I wish I wouldn't have done this so quickly.

Flame me I deserve it :-(

Im almost 32 and have only completed companions and just started storm cloaks.
I have 100 smithing too but zero enchants etc.

Smithing is ok, a little too powerful. But for all players out there. If you are melee, do not take enchanting.
You will only do yourself a disfavor and causes the game to be too easy.
Smithing alone together with overpowered melee makes the game less hard, but its still enjoyable on expert and master.

You OP, must have rushed through those quests like a steam roller. If Im going to do all that I believe I will need another, many hours and will probably be around 50 before Im finished.
Ohh, I have only done 4 quests in the main story line too. But I have explored ALOT done some random quests but, explored, explored, explored.

Im having a blast as I know I have just done around 15% of the actual content of quests out there and Im already 32.

I wish I went with my original idea for a destruction mage however and thats what Im planning to start, on the side now as well.
Simply cause destruction magic seems perfectly balanced, as its not doing overpowered damage as melee or archery.
Sure, many mages complain about it, instead of realizing that bethesda managed to get magic damage done right, but melee too much.
Just stay away from conjuration as it also seems too powerful.
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Mélida Brunet
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 10:23 am

The Elder Scrolls series has always seemed to me to be much less about the finish line and more about the journey.

And the best part is that it's a matter of choice what your character's story truly will be.

Maybe you're a blacksmith who thinks fighting is for fools and you're glad to make money off them as you please.

Maybe you're an alchemist wanting to scour the land of Skyrim for the best of ingredients for a variety of potions that you can sell as a traveling apothecary.

Maybe you're a homeless vagrant with nothing to your name but the clothes on your back and a talent for picking locks.

Maybe you're an aspiring merchant on his way to another city when you got waylaid in Helgan and lost all your goods, forced to start from scratch.

Did you know that you can play as long as you want without finishing so much as a single quest after you escape the opening sequence? You could spend all your time alternating between chopping wood and exploring whatever areas you travel to. Or you could spend all your time being a hunter, plying your trade from pelts you've gathered on your hunting trips.

The possibilities of what your character's story are nearly limitless, with the only real limitation being you, yourself.

Try imagining your character as someone else. Nah, you're not the dragon-born, that's some other guy. You're just someone who studies Restoration while dabbling a little in enchanting good for others as a way of making a little coin to help further your studies.

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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 10:05 pm

You can always use the "restart game with current character" option to start where you exited helgen as whatever lvl u are and keep ur gear. Just all the quests are like u have never done them.

Wait... Where is this option?
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Grace Francis
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 12:16 am

There's a TON of extra mileage without even considering Radient quests. Just yesterday I picked up a book and I got a new quest in my Quest Log. I had to read the book then! (I often don't read them).

Do you have all the Dragon Shouts already? Just getting those is often a challenge or at LEAST fun. I'm around 60 hours in, level 32, I have sneak and one handed in the 70 range of skills, a lot of others bordering 60 and many in the 40's range.

I've done a few quests for cities, but for the most part, they're still just waiting for me. I've completed a few questlines only to get notice that there's more to be done. I've hit about 3 daedric quests, I'm about halfway throught the main story, I haven't touched the Stormcloak questline outside of taking it up to avoid them attacking me. I haven't done any dark brotherhood quests. I've only done the entrance exams into the Theives guild. I visted the Mage's college, but didn't enter (not a mage at all really) so that will wait for another character.

There's so many caves, dungeons and forts that just exploring is a game. Nifty things happen just walking into places.
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 11:06 pm

There's a TON of extra mileage without even considering Radient quests. Just yesterday I picked up a book and I got a new quest in my Quest Log. I had to read the book then! (I often don't read them).

This is one of my favorite little touches that Skyrim has. Sometimes, you find a book that seems like it's nothing special, or a little note that seems mundane and could be a grocery list.

And they become the start of the next leg of your adventure.
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 2:34 am

Some hours in but i am more worried about when a patch fixes what does not work properly before i REALLY start to RP and enjoy the game!
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Amber Ably
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 7:34 pm

This is why I'm taking it slow.

I'm 40 hours in and I feel like I've only scratched the surface.

same here , im 42 hours played and i've got a long long long way to go , and thats just one character.
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 5:58 am

Have you completed all the side quests? What about all the random quests? Have you explored all the dungeons, caves and forts? have you been to all the camps? Have you collected all the nirnroots?

Sorry, how have you broke the game again?
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helen buchan
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 7:31 pm

I'm a lvl 34 Ranger, so I work on sword in one hand (Dawnbreaker) and knife or sword in the other, but I constantly switch to my bow. All I wear is light armor except for my helmet from the Daedric Prince with the dog.

I've got 2 dragon shouts, a 100 in sneak and I concentrate on thief-like abilities.

I was reading this thread and someone said "Act 2". I thought I was smoking this game, as I have 1 fully furnished house and about 30,000 gold, but I've only killed the Whiterun dragon so far. I've got a long way to go; I didn't know there were acts in this game.
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 4:17 am

If you're done, you're done. Who cares if you hit max level? Start a new character and do it all again!
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Rudi Carter
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 9:00 pm

Have you completed all the side quests? What about all the random quests? Have you explored all the dungeons, caves and forts? have you been to all the camps? Have you collected all the nirnroots?

Sorry, how have you broke the game again?

Nope. i wish I could do all random quests, but companions' ones are buggued (http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1282787-the-companions-quest-bug/page__p__19385543__fromsearch__1#entry19385543) and i'm tired of dark brotherhood and Magic College ones.

and I won't randomly kill all living beings or collecting all the wood of the map for ... nothing

Im might try to play Dead is dead or get married ;)
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Georgia Fullalove
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 2:11 am

Nearly the same, and my quest log is like, full. Full-full. Exploring is the beauty of this game!

Word of advice... do misc quests as soon as you get them. I have quite a few where they have glitched out on me and cannot be finished, presumably because the quest giver has been eaten by a dragon or otherwise disappeared.
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Esther Fernandez
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 4:23 am

I agree, I am just taking my time with the game taking in the beauty of the environment, and the various things you can do and see...I am spending as lot of time just walking around and exploring. and doing side quests so I can get some good experience...

Great Job Bethesda!!!!!
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Karen anwyn Green
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 7:13 am


To all MMOplayers, DO NOT grind quests, do not rush gear smithing, or you' ll break the game.

I finished main quest, legion, companion, thieves, magic university, and dark brother hood. I'm 100 in smithing, and I'm now full daedric @level 38

Now the only way for me to level up is to spend the rest of my skyrim life opening safes, spamming fire bolts and heal to improve talents I dont really need.

Most of quests remaining now seem to bo random radiant ones.

And now I wish I wouldn't have done this so quickly.

Flame me I deserve it :-(

Games broken alot. It has too few of quests too.
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