I selected the ESM, the existing mod esp, and DID NOT select an active file.
I made my changes and was prompted to make a save when I exited.
I named my mod and exited the program.
At first it did not show up in my Data folder. I researched and discovered that because of Vista I needed to copy it from the "compatible files" to the data folder. I did this.
I activated it in OBMM, and launched the game.
SUCCESS.......my changes exist.....but they need refinement.
I loaded CS and selected the ESM, existing mod esp, and my new mod esp. I DID select my esp as the active file.
I made a few changes and clicked "Save". Nothing happens.
I tried to exit. I am prompted to save. I do. Nothing happens.
After 3 tries.....it saves and exits.
I go back to "compatible files" and see that the new mod esp was updated with a new time-stamp.
However, after copying and pasting to the Data folder, NO additional changes (2nd round) appear in game.
Opening the CS again, loading as before......no 2nd round changes appear.
I have tried this three times. I can create, save, load, and play an ESP. But I cannot edit that esp a second time.
Thanks in advance for any help you can provide!