Yup, I want them gone. They add nothing to the experience since they (and this goes for the 1st person finishers too) are completely random, though often occur at the kill blow for the final enemy. You have no control over when they happen, they just happen. It's sort of an undocumented rule that the player be given the final decision of whether or not to play the finisher animations. Take Gears of War, for instance, there are all sorts of finishing blows (executions) you can deal, but you have to tell the game you want to do them first through a button prompt. You have the choice of just ending things quickly with a few final bullets or a basic punch.
Your post is very well written but this is the part I most agree with
A button prompt would be best. Hell they could have fleshed the whole thing out better and made finishers like dragonshouts whereby you map a finisher to a button that you can execute when you want to. They could have made it so you choose exactly what finisher you perform and when you perform it.
Different weapons have different kill animations so how difficult would it have been to list them in your inventory? Also doing it this way thay could have fleshed out the game more by for those that really like them giving them the opportunity to learn different moves from around Skyrim from different people.
And whilst they were at it they should have fleshed out the kill animations to have included magic finishers. How difficult would it have been for them to make it so that an ice spell would shatter the enemy, or to throw a spike of ice through the enemy etc
I like the idea of finishers I just think they tacked them on in the same way as marriage and werewolves. All of these things could be better than what they are, as it is they are just there to give the illusion of depth but in reality it is quite shallow.
Bethesda please learn from this and next time put some extra thought behind it, please I love this game. It is just annoying knowing how much better it could have been :tes: