In OB, if that is any indicator, the NPCs level, too but their power levels very, very slowly. They gain 2 points in majors, a tiny amount of HP, Magicka and stamina. You would have to level a lot in non-combat skills for them to become stronger than you. I am sure in Skyrim it is the same. Seeing how fast I can kill bandits.
Creatures are a different matter. All their skills gain linear points (IIRC lvl/2 + base), their damage is also linear to their level. My feeling is that in Skyrim it is similar. Ceartures are sometimes more of a pain than NPCs.
All in all you have to level mostly non-combat skills to svck. This is not a smart move, imo and should be logical that you are weak then.
Creatures are a different matter. All their skills gain linear points (IIRC lvl/2 + base), their damage is also linear to their level. My feeling is that in Skyrim it is similar. Ceartures are sometimes more of a pain than NPCs.
All in all you have to level mostly non-combat skills to svck. This is not a smart move, imo and should be logical that you are weak then.
Most bandits don't level past level 4.
Skyrim doesn't level EVERYTHING with you like Oblivion did. Some things are at least level 20 (giants), other things are at best level 4 (skeevers, common bandits). Sabrecats and bears ARE very dangerous, they start at 12 or so i believe.
Skyrim does have world levelling but it's much better done here than in Oblivion, with creatures and npc's having level ranges instead of levels.