I love the new Brotherhood of Steel (Hated the Cheesy FO3 Bo

Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 8:15 pm

The Outcasts just did as they were supposed to. They weren't being evil.
They resembled the "true" BoS who also, could come of as being pricks in Fallout 1/2.

Outcasts was cool.
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Brittany Abner
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 11:42 am

Except that the easter BoS DID get stuff accomplished.

*gain complete control over then pentagon
*destroy an organization who would destroy the BoS
*obtain what is essentially a "super weapon" AND get it functioning.
*plan to repair said super weapon WITH upgrades withing a few months/years.
*obtained a very large amount of tech developed by the enclave
*creating new more advanced tech

all in all, even though they did act against their orders, they turned out fulfilling those orders better than they would have if they had followed them all along. Just look at the outcasts, they have what? A few suits of work power armor, a couple plasma weapons, and a broken missle launcher.

That being said, I do prefer the BoS in Vegas over the one in D.C. They feel more real to me, the easter BoS was too much of a stereotypical good guy.

Exactly, they did get stuff done so who would you rather have, if your interest is in helping the wasteland. I would say the eastern BOS, I want someone helping me. not just having all this tech and not helping the survivors. After all that has happend to earth, i do believe that some people would come together, like followers of apocalypse and the eastern bos and try to do the morally correct things.
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