I installed:
- Blender 2.49b
- Python 2.7.2
- PyFFI 2.1.11
From this page: http://niftools.sourceforge.net/wiki/Blender
And for some reason when I try and install Nif Scripts 2.5.08 I get this error:
"You will need to download Python 2.6 (32 bit) and PyFFI in order to run the Blender NIF Scripts. Pressing OK will take you to the Python and PyFFI download pages. Please download and run the Python 2.6 (32 bit) windows installer, then download and run the PyFFI windows installer. When you are done, rerun the Blender NIF Scripts installer."
But.... I installed all the programs on the list properly. The only thing I did was when installing PyFFI I unchecked "install blender 2.x" and "install Python 2.7" soooo.... I don't see what the problem is.
Any help?