Unique Quest/Faction Rewards and levelling.

Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 10:21 am

Hi all,

I was hoping to get an answer regarding whether or not the unique rewards that you can get e.g. Mace of Molag Bal etc etc have varying levels of power depending on the characters level when they obtain them? For example, player X finishes a quest and is rewarded with a unique sword that does 50 damage. Player Y finishes the same quest but is ten levels higher than player X and is rewarded the same sword yet it does 100 damage. In Oblivion the unique weapons you could obtain did in fact scale depending on what level you obtained them and thus became quite useless for a higher level character if you stumbled across them early in the game. Does Skyrim use the same system? Ideally I would like to be using the unique weapons and armours as my main weapons/gear but if I go out and get one now it would be a little disappointing to find it pales in comparison to a plain old ebony longsword with a random enchant that I might find somewhere down the line. So, does anyone know for sure if the unique rewards scale to player level or are they as powerful as they will ever be no matter when you stumble upon them?

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Cesar Gomez
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 9:30 am

as far as I know the weaponrestate are the same for ALL characters, no matter what level they are
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Shae Munro
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 12:16 pm

Hi all,

I was hoping to get an answer regarding whether or not the unique rewards that you can get e.g. Mace of Molag Bal etc etc have varying levels of power depending on the characters level when they obtain them? For example, player X finishes a quest and is rewarded with a unique sword that does 50 damage. Player Y finishes the same quest but is ten levels higher than player X and is rewarded the same sword yet it does 100 damage. In Oblivion the unique weapons you could obtain did in fact scale depending on what level you obtained them and thus became quite useless for a higher level character if you stumbled across them early in the game. Does Skyrim use the same system? Ideally I would like to be using the unique weapons and armours as my main weapons/gear but if I go out and get one now it would be a little disappointing to find it pales in comparison to a plain old ebony longsword with a random enchant that I might find somewhere down the line. So, does anyone know for sure if the unique rewards scale to player level or are they as powerful as they will ever be no matter when you stumble upon them?


Hmm.. I actually had the same question go through my mind today. As far as physical damage goes, you should be able to grind the weapon and increase the damage that way (although I dont not know if say, a level 15 legendary mace of MB will have the same dmg as a level 30 legendary mace of MB... if that makes any sense). But as far as enchantments go, I have no clue.
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 10:35 pm

I have the same question. I know for a fact that some unique rewards (such as Nightengale Armor, Chillrend, etc) scale with level. Others, such as main quest items and artifacts do not scale. I would very much like to know about the scaled items though. I can't seem to find on any fora or internet search about this question. For example, if I am level 40, will I get the most superior version of Chillrend? Do I have to be 45? 50? Would I still get the top version at 35?

If you do not know the answer regarding tiers, could you at least post information if you know about the level you acquired one of these items: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Leveled_Items and perhaps its value, in order to determine which rank it falls under (considering that damage and armor could be relative to your skill and perks in that area, thus fluctuating)
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