What was your most epic moment so far?

Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 10:53 pm

Just curious.

At what moment did you feel the most epic.

Mine was the last Dark Brotherhood quest "Hail Sithis!". :toughninja:

But if you don't include that, it would have to be fighting a frost dragon, a blood dragon and a giant, all at the same time.

I saw a blood dragon and started chasing after it trying to get it to land by shooting it with my bow, which is quite hard for me for some reason, when I stumbled upon a giant and frost dragon fighting it out. The giant turned and started attacking me instead and the blood dragon landed and started blowing fire at my face. I pulled out my two Legendary Daedric Daggers enchanted with Absorb 15 health and started going crazy on the giant. With help from the frost dragon, the giant went down quick, but by this point, the combination of giant hits and blood dragon flames had my health to a near death. I quickly used my single word shout Ethereal, which bought me just enough time to use my fast healing spell twice to get my health up enough to fight these dragons. I turned around and ran at them as they froze and burned me at the same time. One half of my body was fighting with all the Nord I had in me, while the other was remembering life back in Hammerfell. I sliced and diced those dragons, who fell to their death at approximately the same time, and absorbed both of their souls in the same instance while slowly walking over the vast tundra back to Whiterun due to having too many Dragon Bones and Scales in my backpack.
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steve brewin
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 3:01 am

You got my vote for honorary chuck norris award of skyrim...
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trisha punch
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 2:16 am

You got my vote for honorary chuck norris award of skyrim...

Why thank you :disguise:
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Mélida Brunet
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