1. Spam spell that barely does any damage (And this damage doesn't increase with skill or level)
2. Strafe in circles around enemy waiting for magicka regen
3. Rinse and repeat.
1. Spam spells
2. Spam Magicka potions
3. Rince and repeat.
It is nearly impossible to play as a sole mage in vanilla Skyrim. Spells do little damage and cost very little Magicka, while Magicka regenerates really slowly. It should be the other way around.
Spells should deal lots of damage, take up more Magicka, and Magicka should regenerate much faster. This basically means you can't spam spells. You have to hit the target, and if you do, you'll be rewarded. No more running around waiting a minute for the bar to fill up.
There is a mod for PC that does this, and it makes playing as a mage much more rewarding. Not easier by any means, but more tactical and less of a spamfest.
I think Magicka has been aesthetically improved immensely, but extremely crippled in terms of gameplay. This is just one thing that bugged me, Skyrim is a great game and I'm not hating.