I assume that the Elves live relatively very long, but about how many hundreds of years on average?
Human species in the ES probably have a similar lifespan as us,
But what about the beast species? Khajit and Argonians. I'm personally a big fan of them so I'm curious about what their lifespan is like. If you give an estimate please say what you are basing it on.
Maybe the Argonians also have a large lifespan cause they're cold-blooded reptiles like the crocodiles who can also have a longer lifespan than humans (but not too much longer, i think). With this combined with human-like intelligence and being adapted to modern life could mean that they get far older than humans.
But what about the Khajit? I doubt that they only live for like 20 years, which would be old for any catlike species in our world I think.
And the Orcs? I have no clue about them.