So I'm playing a Khajiit name J'dar and I found a skooma addicted khajiit whose name was also J'darr (close enough). Anyone else run into an NPC with the same name?
Yeah, I made a nord named Yngvar Thad and found out there was another Yngvar in Markarth. Though I didn't find out till my second playthrough on my Khajiit.
No, and thank god, if I found a character with my name I would restart the game with a new name, I hate sharing a name with someone it is so annoying and for me it would ruin that character.
No, and thank god, if I found a character with my name I would restart the game with a new name, I hate sharing a name with someone it is so annoying and for me it would ruin that character.
Lol I thought it was kinda cool. Usually I just make up some non lore related name, but this time I decided to make it legit. I even checked Oblivion for that name to make sure it wasn't used. So when I saw another NPC with my name I figured I did a good job. :hubbahubba:
I remember a dark elf i created in morrowind. Got him to level 30 with about 90 hrs invested in the game. I realized that the last name i gave him was in fact a typical first name for dunmer. It drove me nuts for some reason when i found that out and i winded up starting over like an ocd maniac. Another issue that caused me to start over was the mispelling of a weapon i enchanted.