A "very" Simple animation request

Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 8:23 am

While I assume this request will be very simple to the experienced modders of this forum, I have no idea how to go about it.

What I am looking for is this=
The Apprentice standing power attack (two handed "chop") replaced with the NOVICE backwards Power Attack (the "Palm Strike")

The Overhand fist strike is so unbelievable and useless in combat, while the palm strike seems a perfect fit. Could someone do this for me please?
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des lynam
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 10:32 am

It′s INCREDIBLY simple thing to do yourself, but of course it requires a few simple steps. Please it try it out yourself, after all I′m taking the time to post you the instructions - and think about it, after you do it once, you can do similar things to other animations as well! :)

Summary: all you need to do is to rename the file, and rename one word INSIDE the animation. But for these two steps you need to:

1. Get access to the animation file. For this, you need to extract the whole Oblivion - Meshes.bsa (it′s inside your Oblivion\data folder).

See http://cs.elderscrolls.com/constwiki/index.php/BSA_Unpacker_Tutorial to get that done in a snap. Notice the download link for BSA commander that extracts the bsa for you.

2. Open the animation file. For that you need this tool: http://sourceforge.net/projects/niftools/files/nifskope/1.0.22/nifskope-


Check the contents of the Oblivion - Meshes.bsa you extracted. The file you are looking to modify is characters\_male\handtohandattackbackpower.kf, double click to open it with Nifscope you just installed.

On the left, you see a "tree view" of the animation data. On the very top, there′s a "name" that says "AttackBackPower". Double click it, to change it to "AttackPower".

Now save the file to some other location, with name "handtohandskill1attackpower.kf". Then copy your new animation replacer to your Oblivion\data\meshes\characters\_male folder (create any missing folders if you need to).

Oblivion will now notice that you have a "replacer" for the apprectice HtH powerattack, and use your file instead. To revert back to original, just delete the file you copied in - Oblivion will use the original one from the bsa again. :)
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Liv Brown
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 1:36 am

Skycaptain's tutorial is good but it's missing a few things. It's missing how to replace the 1st person animations and you still move backwards when performing the power attack, which you probably don't want. I also like to use the Oblivion Mod Manager to extract files from BSAs so allow me to write my own tutorial.

You need to download the following two tools.

Oblivion Mod Manager:


1. Create two temporary folders, it doesn't matter where and the names are unimportant. I'll call them "1st" and "3rd" and place them on the desktop.

2. Open Oblivion Mod Manager, go to Utilities and click on BSA Browser.

3. Click Open, find and open "Oblivion - Meshes.bsa".

4. Sort by folder name, find and extract the following two files into the "1st" folder. You can easily extract files by clicking on them and dragging and dropping.

5. Extract the following two files into the "3rd" folder.

6. Close the BSA Browser and Oblivion Mod Manager.

7. Go into the "1st" folder and open both files in Nifskope. You should be able to just double click on them to open them.

8. In handtohandattackbackpower.kf, like Skycaptain suggests, change the name of "AttackBackPower" to "AttackPower".

*Now these are the extra steps you must do if you want to prevent moving backwards when preforming the animation. Because it looks odd to move backwards when performing the standing power attack.

9. In handtohandskill1attackpower.kf, click on the NiControllerSequence block.

10. Under "Block Details" on the bottom, find "Controlled Blocks" and click on the "+".

11. Find the controlled block with value "Bip01" exactly (not something like "Bip01 Pelvis") and click on the "+". Bip01 is what controls movement when preforming the animation.

12. You should see something that has the name, "Interpolator". To the right, under value, is a blue arrow and the id number for the block. Click on the blue arrow.

13. The block with that id number should appear on the top. Right click on this block, select "Block->Copy Branch". Now you can close handtohandskill1attackpower.kf.

14. In handtohandattackbackpower.kf, right click on NiControllerSequence and select "Block->Paste Branch". Make note of the block id number besides the name for this new block.

15. Click NiControllerSequence and follow steps 9-11 to find the "Bip01" controlled block.

17. This time do not click on the blue arrow. Double click on the number beside the arrow and enter the id number of the block you pasted in. Also note the id number of the block you replaced.

18. Back on top. Make sure that the NiControllerSequence block has a "+" sign beside it. If not, click on the "-" sign. Now check that there is only one block below the NiControllerSequence block and it has the id number of the block you replaced. If it's not correct, you did something wrong.

19. If it's correct, right click on it and select "Block->Remove Branch" to delete it.

20. Go to Spells->Sanitize->Reorder Blocks. Now save and close Nifskope.

21. Move handtohandattackbackpower.kf to your "Oblivion\Data\Meshes\Characters\_1stperson\" folder
(create any missing folders) and rename it to "handtohandskill1attackpower.kf".

22. For 3rd-person animations, repeat steps 7-20 but for files in the "3rd" folder. When you are done, move handtohandattackbackpower.kf to your "Oblivion\Data\Meshes\Characters\_male\" folder (create any missing folders) and rename it to "handtohandskill1attackpower.kf".
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Miragel Ginza
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 7:50 am

Skycaptain's tutorial is good but it's missing a few things. It's missing how to replace the 1st person animations and you still move backwards when performing the power attack, which you probably don't want.

This is absolutely true, sorry for the mishap, and thanks for the more step-by-step instructions. :goodjob:

EDIT: I though he simply wanted to replace the animation. :P
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kirsty joanne hines
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 3:38 am

EDIT: I though he simply wanted to replace the animation. :P

He did, but he also said he was inexperienced. I just added the extra part just in case it was something he overlooked.
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Dan Wright
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 9:12 am

Thank you both for all the help! I will certainly try this out! =)
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ashleigh bryden
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