I'm really losing hope in getting a fix for the grain glitch, which is just pathetic. Like Lotusatm has said many times, the community will not forget this. I can tell you that I will NEVER buy another Crytek game at retail. I don't care if I've been looking forward to it and it gets great reviews, I will wait to buy it used so that Crytek doesn't get a dime out of my pocket.
This is a prime example of why companies need to have better customer service. And it doesn't take much! Just a little communication now and then. If you make a mistake, own up to it. If you can't fix something, own up to it. Crytek would cease to exist if it wasn't for their customers, and then they go and treat us like dirt. I think I can say that just about everyone on these forums feels completely helpless and that their voice isn't being heard. The lack of customer service on Crytek's part is absolutely pathetic, especially when it comes to the console owners.
I hope this doesn't come across as me whining, but I really don't know what else to do or say.