New glicth really bad and visble weapon glich light house

Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 12:39 pm

Hey everyone ive got some really bad/distrubing news of a really bad glitch that happened to me twice 1st it happened on light house and then the next day at night on evac zone, I really would suggest you back out of your match if it happens to you.

Alright heres the glitch:

Basically what happened was I was playing with some of my friends in a party tia on light house having fun ect and then suddenly my stealth enhance 3 wasnt working because I saw my shadwo but it wasnt just that my nano recharge lvl 2 wasnt working either and I dont think rapid fire 3 on my mike was working at all it was like all my perks were disabled somehow it was terrible I backed out because of it and I gave the glitch this name perk disabler

btw on light house recently every time ive played on that map I get the visable weapon glitch with the x mike marshall and grendel today when I picked one up that needs to be fixed big time when crytek can its happening alot more on lighthouse.

It happened the next night on evac zone tia some one with this gt aisanzues killed me then I noticed my perks were disabled again and I was getting kills fine but my energy was draining really fast almost instantly

If this glitch happens to you I advise that you back out right away because you become powerless.

Crytek out of all thecurrent glitchs I say that the perk disabler glitch be fixed very soon idk if its happened on pc or ps3 but it might possibly happen it is random by the way so you never know when it could/ might happen.

Crytek out of all the current glitchs now I say the perk disabler be fixed very soon it could happen to ps3 players and pc
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 6:53 am

Showing the shadow despite SE III is known. You still have SE III though. It just shows it on your end along with in the killcam, however the enemy is not really seeing it. It's a glitch that's happened since day one, same with the weapons not cloaking.

As far as faster energy drain I think it's probably a bit in your head, stealth and mobility has caused faster drain after a hotfix about a month to a month and a half ago, you used to be able to make about 3 runs around terminal with maximum stealth modules on, now its about once if you're lucky.

I could be wrong, but the first bit I know is true, I've had it happen tons and tons of times even with people on the other team who killed me, who in the killcam I saw my shadow, they confirmed they could not.
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 8:02 am

Really ive recently have seen the visable weapon glitch alot now and when there was the 1st double xp I saw it happen to ppl alot more on city hall and light house Im surprised because when I first started playing multiplayer I never saw that glitch until now more commonly on enemy teams to me with any weapon on light house well mostly when I use the mike/ marshall. have you seen the glitch where your screen gets all blurry, thats another bad glitch It nearly made my eyes tear the 2nd time it happened to me and when nanovision is used ..... Oh god dude it really hurts your eyes.
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