who has a bugged game & who hasn't ?

Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 4:08 am

had issues with certain quests that i could not do
because in one case i kept falling through the screen
and the arm pump when u hold a weapone among others
i fixed the freezes by turning off the game and my console once every hour or so
makes load times faster if yiu do that as well
yhere are others as well but i can deal with it

did NOT have those issues with fallout 3, nor did i have freezing issues on the xbox 360 version of that game, but i did with my ps3
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 3:23 pm

21 Hours of gameplay and only very minor bugs occured like creatures spawning below map level, but no crashes so far.
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Andy durkan
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 8:04 am

I have played 35+ hours and have only had it crash once.Other than that no significant bugs.I feel like some of it is lack of understanding.If you go over the forums you will see more people have had enjoyed a bug free game than not.
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Timara White
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 8:46 am

I know with the two console systems there have been issues with the game "freezing". I would consider this a glitch. I just played for about 10 minutes last night when I got home from work, and BLAMO, froze up again. It's annoying, especially when you haven't saved and have to replay the same thing over and over.

Yep, I have a PS3 and this is the problem I'm having. The game randomly freezes one me. It really is annoying and frustrating.
I've seen a few graphics glitches and A.I. bugs but nothing terrible.
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Guinevere Wood
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 7:18 am

I've played for about 40 hours on PC, North American version and I've not experienced any game-breaking glitches. There's been one CTD and a few system freezes but my OS tends to do that anyway so I don't assume that it's the game.

There was one instance where I had some graphical weirdness trying to log onto a computer in Black Mountain. I could hear the text scrolling across the screen and I could click and get a beep in response but the image was frozen at the point where I'm looking at the computer sitting on the desk. A reload fixed that problem. Aside from that, I've had no issues.

I think it's normal to hear lots of whining and complaining from people who are having problems. The vast majority of us who haven't experienced a lot of bugs are too busy happily playing the game to come here and post about it.
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 4:12 am

Played for about 25+ hours and no bugs. Thing is, when someone got a problem with the game, you will hear about it, but when everything runs smoothly, you most likely won't.

I would have left some positive feedback sooner but I'm currently house-sitting and though I tried, I'm locked out of the owners' PC and couldn't get online. Currently online now with their router hovering between two taut wires leading from their bedroom wall socket to my PC in the diningroom. lol Not the healthiest looking setup for a router, or the jack that's probably holding on for dear life in the wall and the rear end of my rig.

I should maybe point out that my problem-free run of F:NV PC has been played entirely with Steam in offline mode, too. Just in case anyone is wondering if that's an issue for them. Playing offline obviously means I've deep sixed all internet protection and essentially I don't have anything running in the background whilst playing. :shrug:

Gonna disconnect now, and play me some Fallout: New Vegas. If I encounter any in-game bugs or problems with quest dialogue or... whatever, I'll write down the specifics and head back when I got a minute, every little helps I guess. Thankfully I haven't encountered anything worth the bother as yet. My small problem list in the previous post, I think you'll agree is really scraping the barrel, almost petty. lol Gonna disconnect now, and play me some Fallout: New Vegas. :vaultboy:
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 4:07 pm

Not a single bug for me. I've played about 10 hours on my Xbox 360 and it's running fine.
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 2:56 am

I'm playing on the 360 and I haven't had any bugs or glitches.
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 2:47 am

Playing on PS3. Got about 35hrs in. Have had 3 complete freezes in that time that required reboots. I would probably have had more but now as soon as I hit a point where the frame rate suddenly nosedives I save and shutdown my PS3. It always seems to be 4+ hours in. I don't know if it's autosaves somehow screwing stuff up. Anyway, I'll turn the PS3 back on and it's fine again.

Other bugs that are too common but not gamebreaking?
-Frame rate hitches up every time I enter a new zone. It's annoying and immersion breaking.
-Weapons stacking up so you don't know you are actually carrying them.
-Clipping through rocks and being trapped in them when trying to climb steep areas
-Tons of minor graphical glitches (textures loading slow, NPCs clothing changing in front of me, stuff like that)

All in all, bearable but I'd wish for better.

Also, I know people are saying the textures look better in this game than FO3, and maybe that's the case on PCs where you can turn up the settings and such but this is certainly not the case on the PS3. I tossed in FO3, for comparison's sake, last night climbed up to a high place and looked around and the ground textures look way better looking out into the wasteland in FO3. When I do the same in NV the entire ground has that very distinct checkerboard look and no scrub or anything loads making the graphics look very last gen and bland. Also looked at wall textures and no matter how close I got in FO3 they looked decent. In NV some look great (better than FO3) others are terrible. They're pixelated standing 20 feet away from them.

Anyway, all that said, I'm still loving this game.
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 10:37 am

the gamebryo engine for whatever reason is incompatible with my sound card. (HT Omega Striker 7.1) i had this problem in F3 as well. I forgot about it so i racked my brain trying to figure out why i crashed to desktop evey 10 minutes.

Using my USB headset the game runs flawless as the gambryo engine gets. Think i crashed once in 4 days. So its either use my headset or crash evey 10 minutes.
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 4:52 am

I have been playing for approx 28hrs (on PC) without a problem.
Yet I'm reading on these forums that this game is full of bugs etc, and is no good. I don't understand.
Am I just lucky or did I get the golden disc? Did some of us get 'good' copies and others 'duds' ?
Aren't all our copies of the game made from the same Master? So why are some having problems and not others??
I am probably showing my ignorance but for me this does not add up.

I'm in Australia. Are our copies bug/glitch free?
Is it just the North American copies that have problems?
What about you guys in Europe, UK and Japan - what is your experience?

I'm interested to know.

PC games, especially, are notoriously hard to design for. There's just so many variables. Aside from the more obvious hardware issues, there's also just no telling what sort of software everyone's going to have on their rigs - and what is going to cause problems there, either. (For PC, at least) it's not at all uncommon for some people to experience little to no problems at all - and for others to just have absolutely no luck with it. It's really kind of the luck of the draw, sometimes - because there's just no possible way to test every potential hardware and software configuration.

If you're not experiencing bugs (I haven't so far, either - beyond a couple minor ones,) then you probably just got lucky. But yeah, (to my limited knowledge - and I certainly don't have any insider information,) everyone's getting basically the same disc.
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 1:07 am

Still online, heh.

The gamebryo engine for whatever reason is incompatible with my sound card. (HT Omega Striker 7.1) i had this problem in F3 as well. I forgot about it so i racked my brain trying to figure out why i crashed to desktop evey 10 minutes.

PC games, especially, are notoriously hard to design for. There's just so many variables. Aside from the more obvious hardware issues, there's also just no telling what sort of software everyone's going to have on their rigs - and what is going to cause problems there, either.

There's something to be said about this I think. First thing I did when I installed and activated F:NV and it finished patching, was adjust it's settings to match Fallout 3's exactly through the Options menu in the Launcher. I had them both open and matched them up. All of it is pretty much maxed, but stuff like radial blur is set to med etc. I had terrible problems with Fallout 3 when I first got it, but clearing them up over the first few days, having it patched, and constantly running down any issues, and removing offending software giving it hassle, it has run brilliantly without problems, and I've never uninstalled it.

Every time I've installed any software, I've known if it's giving Fallout 3 issues because I play it on an almost weekly basis, and have done for the past year or so. Most recently was some media converter software that came with my Philips GoGear. FO3 CTD after half an hour, I removed the GoGear software, FO3 ran without issues again. Essentially, I think, my rig was ready F:NV because FO3 has always decided what software I'm keeping installed. lol

Be interested to know if the PC players not having issues with F:NV, are the ones who discovered their own personal demons with FO3, and those demons aren't present for their F:NV run. :shrug:
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