» Thu Dec 08, 2011 1:06 am
A suggestion/request for the MGSO Options program: as you've added more options from 1.0 to 1.1, the actual program window has needed to become larger to contain them all. The 1.1 version is actually too big to display on my 720p TV, I can't click the bottom buttons unless I rotate the display 90 degrees. I'm probably the only person running at such a low resolution, but I have to think there are a lot of users out there with 1366x768 laptop screens, so if the MGSOO program window keeps getting larger, it's going to become more of a problem. Can I suggest that you make the actual MGSOO program window a little smaller, and have some sort of scrolling list of options--like what the Morrowind Code Patch does. That way there will be plenty of room to grow as you add more patches with even more options.
Otherwise everything is great, thanks again for the excellent work compiling the mods, creating the installation and MGSOO programs, and writing such clear documentation.